Haggis tasting, news reading, film making fun….

Ivo and Miss Hunter tasting veggie haggis on Robert Burn’s Day, Ivo said it was “yummy”.

Musa reflecting on his weekend playing in the snow.

Musa completing his number work followed by number correspondence work.

Ivo enjoying playing with our new ukulele.

Khadija enjoying our construction space.

We enjoyed reading the bear hunt so much we followed it up by watching Michael Rosen’s version on the smart board.

“I use the snake to tell me the colours to use” Kayden.

Khadija and Subhan playing snap.

Khadija enjoying a puppet show she’d made on the iPad.

Ivo strengthening his fine motor skills using the ‘bubber’.

Ivo colouring in his work.

Ivo and Khadija enjoying playing with their prize balloons.

Kareem doing his maths work.

Kareem and Kayden working collaboratively to build train tracks.

Kayden making a honey and lemon drink as he had a sore throat.

Khadija’s model for our new digital literacy project.

Ivo using his fine motor skills and inspiration from the smart board to inform his character design.

Kareem reflecting on his family holiday to Sudan using photographs during news writing time.

Khadijah using cotton balls and tweezers to develop her fine motor skills.

Ivo receiving star of the week certificate at assembly.

Kareem colouring in very carefully.

Musa using his purple folder to reflect on his learning.

Kayoed reading the construction book stories we have in our play space.

Kayden and Musa wearing their medals with pride, they won these for gaining ten stars on their charts.

Kayden’s titanic.

Ivo, Kareem and Musa playing outside at adventure in the rain.

Subhan was very proud of the minions cakes he baked and took back to Class 2.

Kayden making cheese toasties for his friends.

Ivo celebrating his wonderful piece of art work.

Kareem and Kayden swinging in the rain.

Kayden jumping from a height.

Kareem having fun splashing in puddles.

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