Welcome to PEPASS Glasgow our resource sharing page. Click the links below to get started.
Primary Activity Resources for Staff and Parents
Resources to assist with remote learning and ideas to keep pupils engaged in Physical Education and physically active.
Primary Curriculum Resources
Primary teaching resources linked to Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport.
PEPASS Modern Apprentices
Information and resources linked to our Modern Apprentice programme.
ASL Curriculum Resources
ASL resources linked to Scottish Disability Sport.
PEPASS Events & Resources
Our events section contains information to support staff with and at our events along with additional PEPASS resources.

PE Counts
Reinforcing Maths & Numeracy learning through the context of PEPASS.
You may need to register to access the site by contacting gw16weirdavid@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk
Inspirational videos, Athlete interviews and activity instruction.