NDHS – Christmas Cabaret 2024

Official Site of Notre Dame High School (Glasgow)
Please see the school Supported Study Calendar – March 2022 below
Supported Study Calendar – March 2022
Please see the Easter Revision timetable below. Click on the image to see an enlarged version.
Please see the document below from the SQA.
There is important information for anyone currently enrolled in National 5, Higher or Advanced Higher courses.
S2 Personalisation & Choice Booklet
Please click the picture or link below to see the S3 Choices Booklet.
Remote Learning, HT Message, 7 January 21 – YouTube
In addition to lessons through Teams, there are additional resources that have been put in place from Education Scotland. Please the document and links below for details
Pupil Guidance – Remote Learning
There are recorded lessons, documentaries, educational videos and a wide variety of content available on ClickView.
The ideal way to get into ClickView is to go through your Glow dashboard. When you login to Glow, look for this icon below, click on it and it should automatically log you in.
If you have login troubles on ClickView, please e-mail Miss Cassidy (gw10cassidyclaire@glow.sch.uk)
No login required to access the E-sgoil website
Digital learning from Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | e-Sgoil (e-sgoil.com)
No login required to access BBC Learning
Click the link below to see the brilliant work at the Expressive Arts department in Notre Dame!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Expressive Arts Christmas Video – Notre Dame High School – YouTube
Please click the link below to open the PDF.
National Wellbeing Hub – Webinar Sessions For Unpaid Carers and PA’s – November
For pupils absent for any reason, you can check the website for work provided for you by your teachers.
Work will be provided through the school website, Teams (if you have access) or e-mail directly from your teacher.
In the navigation menu at the top, under ‘Faculties’ check for your subject. Click on subject link and there will be a heading for S1 with any associated work.
If you have any questions please e-mail your teacher directly or alternatively e-mail Mrs Henderson: gw10hendersonliz@glow.sch.uk
Our school librarian has produced a great resource for you. It explores books from all around the world and is great for any keen readers’ out there.
Please click the link below and enjoy,
Please see the useful wellbeing tips for Parents and Carers during this time. Click on the picture or link below to be directed to the webpage.
BBC Bitesize is creating daily lessons for Maths and English, along with regular lessons on Science, History, Geography and more.
Please see the link below for more information.
Please see our Winter Newsletter for 2019 below
Please see the flyer below for information about the Beauty & The Beast show performed with Glasgow Arts.
Please find below our Summer Newsletter for 2019. Click on the link or the preview picture to open a new tab with the newsletter.
Ms McGroarty would like to make any S4/5/6 pupils aware of an opportunity in Law, Accountancy or Business. Details below:
Social Mobility Business Partnership
Expressive Arts – Summer Showcase -Monday 17th June @ 7pm
Pupils from both Drama and Music, will showcase their gifts and talents to you all on Monday 17th June, in the school, starting at 7pm. There will be; singing, orchestral music, solos/duets and drama performances, to name a few.
Doors open at 6.30pm. ‘First come, first served’, for a seat at the tables, with yummy treats. No ticket required, but opportunity at the end to leave a donation. Looking forward to seeing you all there.
Mrs Lindsey Millar
With the upcoming SQA exams, this is a stressful time for all involved please see the link below for any advice and support in the upcoming months.
Last night we welcomed parents and S1 pupils to our school to begin the process of digitising learning and teaching through the use of iPads. Thank you to all who came along. A reminder that there are two further evenings for parents and pupils in S2 on Monday 11th March and S3 on Thursday 14th March beginning at 6.30pm.
Please feel free to attend an evening that suits you best to sign our parental agreement.
Our updated handbook is available on the right hand sidebar. Please also find a link below.
To aid in the important decision of S2 Options, we have produced a booklet that details what subjects are on offer, where the subjects lead later in life and career prospects for the future workforce.
We hope you find this helpful. Please note: The document may take a few seconds to download.
We are excited to share our Winter Newsletter with all!
Please click the link below to view what has been going on in the school this term.