Highpark Primary and LCR is a non-denominational Primary School located within in the North of Glasgow City, serving the Ruchill, Maryhill, and Possilpark communities as their local catchment education establishment.
We are a unique establishment as our school grounds are situated within Ruchill Park, boasting a vast, open, and picturesque surrounding that complements the school building beautifully. Close to the front entrance, you will be met by the historic listed Ruchill Tower – of Neo-Jacobean architecture, the Tower was once part of Ruchill Hospital built in 1900.
We are also fortunate to be a Campus School, sharing resources and expertise with St. Cuthbert’s RC Primary and Benview Early Years Establishment.
We proudly refer to our family of learners as Benview Campus
Please select a link from below for more information regarding the development of Highpark Primary and LCR