Global Citizenship Education

Embed global citizenship education across the curriculum.

by Mrs Uthmani
1 Comment

Hello world!

Welcome to the Global Citizenship Education site.  The aim is to bring together a variety of resources and links to help teachers successfully embed the values and knowledge of global citizenship, sustainability and antiracism into their daily teaching activities.   Most of the resources are aimed at the primary Curriculum for Excellence framework, with suggestions towards the secondary curriculum.  The above tabs on primary and secondary will take you to topic planners and ideas of how to incorporate global citizenship into your lessons.

Global citizenship is not a subject, instead it is an ethos that must flow among all the areas that we teach and all the experiences young people have within the education system.

Join the Scotland wide Practitioners Network to model and learn from best practice all over the country.

For articles on antiracism, sustainability and global citizenship visit the Blogs page:

For example lessons of interdisciplinary learning embedding diversity and SDG’s visit the Primary Resources page:

For resources for Secondary schools, check the Secondary Resources page:

For up to date links to news articles around the world for sustainability, antiracism, equality and global citizenship, follow the News Feed page:

For links to other organisations working in the field of antiracism and global citizenship and opportunities for professional development, check the pages below:

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