Glasgow Recycling and Renewable Energy – Work Experience

13th – 17th June 2016

School pupils considering a ‘Career in Engineering’ can gain an in-depth understanding and hands on experience of the industry through a jointly supported work experience programme run in partnership with Viridor, Interserve Construction and Jacobs.

The work experience, is jam-packed full of interesting and engaging talks, site tour, presentations and exercises, including:

  • Calculating the carbon footprint of Jacobs business travel data (flights, car journeys, etc.) and energy office consumption (gas, electricity).
  • Hands-on experience of transport modelling with the Transportation team and structural modelling with the Ports and Marine team.
  • Computer modelling with the Rail team – using Clear Route software to check clearances from structures and trains passing.
  • Guided site tour of the Glasgow Recycling and Renewable Energy Centre (GRREC)
  • GRREC Engineering sessions with interactive and hands-on activities including an overview of various different engineering roles.
  • Looking at Process and Instrumentation Diagrams and identifying various systems.
  • Teambuilding exercises incorporating communication and presentation skills.

You will learn the many types of Engineering roles that are available as well as how rewarding a Career in Engineering can be.

Please see Mrs Nizam if you are interested.