Micro-Tyco Staff Coffee Morning Success

Micro-Tyco Staff Coffee Morning 011Micro-Tyco Staff Coffee Morning 017Micro-Tyco Staff Coffee Morning 009Micro-Tyco Staff Coffee Morning 012

S3 pupils who are raising funds for Micro-Tyco project during the month of November put on a fantastic spread of cakes for staff to raise funds for this great cause.

Find out more about micro-tyco project, visit www.wildheartsinaction.org/microtyco

Pupils are continuing to raise funds throughout November.

Staff Coffee Morning  – Feedback from Staff

“Fabulous – nice presentation”

“Wonderful quality of cakes”

“Amazing selection of cakes”

“well organised”

“Nice greeting and we liked how we could pick up a coffee on the way in”

“Great that all the teachers get to meet up”


Glasgow University Ambassador Visits

Bellahouston Academy is a Lead School of Computing Science.

Over the coming months some our our Computing Science classes are lucky enough to be able to work with a final year student from Glasgow University, as he comes to work with us and our pupils.

We will post more information on this when this becomes available, but are looking forward to how this will enrich the pupil experience.

The Hour of Code is coming…

The Hour of Code is back in Bellahouston Academy …

We recognise the importance to all young people of being able to code a computer to improve their life chances. All S1 pupils will be completing The Hour of Code in early December and S2 pupils will be challenging staff to undertake The Hour of Code.

To find out more, please see the videos below, and there will be more news on this early December. The Hour of Code – computational thinking in action.


Breakfast Club Success

Bellahouston Academy’s Breakfast Club has now become Award-winning!

We are delighted that an expert panel of judges chose Bellahouston Academy as the runner-up in the Best Breakfast Club in Scotland Award 2015.

Our Breakfast Club is on every morning of the school year and offers pupils a chance to access ICT Facilities, whilst getting a free breakfast to ensure they are set up for learning for the day.

Into Film

All S3 Computing Science and Computer Games Development pupils attended a talk from Yen Yau at Into Film.

It was an inspirational talk and gave the pupils some idea of the many jobs that require skills in computing within the Film Industry.

Pupils learned about the computer graphics and special effects included in some of the latest movies, including the latest James Bond movie Spectre.

Lead School of Computing Science


We are delighted to share our recent news in the Technologies Faculty, beginning with a huge well done to the Computing Science teachers. Their hard work and dedication in completing the PLAN C course has led to the British Computing Society awarding Bellahouston Academy the Prestigious Title of Lead School of Computing Science in a nationwide initiative. Bellahouston Academy is one of only five schools in Glasgow which has achieved this status.

With the government placing increasing emphasis on Scotland’s Digital Future, Plan C has been put in place to encourage our young people to become Digital Creators.

Please look out for the certificate awarded to the school to mark this achievement, on display at Bellahouston Academy’s Reception area.

The impact of this will benefit all young people who follow a course in Computing Science or Computer Games Development at Bellahouston Academy.

Bella Business Education Students enter the Dragons’ Den


Senior Business Management and Administration pupils listened to pitches from several budding School Uniform Suppliers.

These pupils put the suppliers through their paces to ensure that they were providing a uniform of quality for the Bellahouston Academy community.

They weighed up the pros and cons of each supplier and ensured that needs were met, and made recommendations as to why each supplier should be chosen. Pupils played an active role in this decision and we look forward to seeing the results of their decision making skills!