Rookie Rockstars Update

The Rookie Rockstars are back and have been working with the boys and girls preparing them for our concerts next week.   Our concerts last year were a huge success. We have no doubt that this years will be even better. It is the expectation that all pupils attend and perform in the concert. If your child(ren) are unable to attend please contact the school to notify us. Concert times

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Rookie Rockstars Concert

Are you ready to rock? We are! The Rookie Rockstars will be working hard with our children next week in preparation for our Rookie Rockstar Concert performances. Tickets for both shows are now on sale at the school office.  Tickets are priced at £5 each and will be sold on a first come first serve basis. Ticket order forms were sent out with pupils today.   Performance times will be

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The Big Balornock Ballot

  This week Balornock Primary took part in a ballot to choose our school mascot as part of our Rights Respecting Schools Project. There were lots of fantastic entries and 13 amazing finalists to choose from.  Every class had a chance to vote. It was a very exciting day for everyone.      

Merry Christmas

We have all had a very busy term and are looking forward to a much earned rest. The staff and pupils at Balornock Primary would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year. Stay over the holiday period and we look forward to the start of Term 3 on Thursday the 5th of January 2017.  

Great Work Choir!

Our choir was invited to sing at Costco on Wednesday raising the grand total of £520 for the school fund. Well done to all choir member for their hard work and fantastic behaviour!! Up-Coming Events: Monday 19th – Carol singing at Tesco St. Rollox (Please come along and support us!!) Tuesday 20th – Christmas Service at Broomfield Court Care Home

Balornocks Countdown to Christmas

We are on the countdown to Christmas. We have lots coming up over the next week in school. Click on the links below for more information. countdown-to-Christmas newsletter-dec-2016  

Our Christmas Fair

Last Friday we held our annual Christmas Fair. What a fantastic success it was. We even had a special visit from Santa! Thank you for everyone who came along and made it such a fabulous day. Thank you also to all of the pupils, parents and staff who donated their time and effort to help us prepare and set up. A special thank you to Mrs Coyle our Christmas Coordinator. She put

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Primary 2 Penny Post

This term as part of their money topic Primary 2 are taking part in a Christmas Enterprise Project – The Penny Post. This project helps students to set up a delivery service within school. The Penny Post is designed to develop pupils understanding of the concept of money as well as allowing pupils to take responsibility for and run a project that will impact the whole school Click the link

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Sing Off Victory!!!

Our choir won the second annual ‘Sing Off” at Tron St. Mary’s Church yesterday morning. Judges included our local councillor, the former Moderator of the Church of Scotland, Greggs manageress and Slimming World’s Slimmer of the Year. Three local choirs participated and a wonderful time was had by all. Thank you to all family members who supported us by attending as well as our Star Pupils, Captains and Vice Captains.

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