P6a & P6b show off their learning!

Today, Primary 6 a&b performed an assembly about slavery and discrimination in front of the school and visiting parents. This was our topic for term 2. We sang two songs that were about discrimination, ‘If I had a hammer’ and ‘Something inside so strong’. The songs made us think about how we should treat each other fairly. Here are some pictures of us earlier;   “I really enjoyed reading my

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Our Christmas Fair

Last Friday we held our annual Christmas Fair. What a fantastic success it was. We even had a special visit from Santa! Thank you for everyone who came along and made it such a fabulous day. Thank you also to all of the pupils, parents and staff who donated their time and effort to help us prepare and set up. A special thank you to Mrs Coyle our Christmas Coordinator. She put

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Primary 2 Penny Post

This term as part of their money topic Primary 2 are taking part in a Christmas Enterprise Project – The Penny Post. This project helps students to set up a delivery service within school. The Penny Post is designed to develop pupils understanding of the concept of money as well as allowing pupils to take responsibility for and run a project that will impact the whole school Click the link

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Primary 6 a/b Class Assembly

Primary 6a and Primary 6b have been learning about Slavery and Discrimination. Our class assembly will be on the 7th December at 9.30 in the upper hall. This will be an opportunity for us to share our learning with you and the rest of the school. Please come along and support us in this. We have been busy designing invitations so check school bags this week!  

Sing Off Victory!!!

Our choir won the second annual ‘Sing Off” at Tron St. Mary’s Church yesterday morning. Judges included our local councillor, the former Moderator of the Church of Scotland, Greggs manageress and Slimming World’s Slimmer of the Year. Three local choirs participated and a wonderful time was had by all. Thank you to all family members who supported us by attending as well as our Star Pupils, Captains and Vice Captains.

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Dancing Showcase

Well done to our team of dancers who competed in the festival at Springburn Academy. We were all very proud of you all. An amzing routine performed to a very high standard. The group have been committed to our lunch time dance class and have given up their own time to represent the school. A big thank you to all the parents who supported the event!  

Choir News!

The choir will be going to Tron St. Mary’s on Thursday 24th November at 10am to participate in our second annual choir ‘sing off’. This was an enormous success last year and we would like to invite family and friends of the choir members to show their support by joining us in the audience. Choir practice will take place on Tuesday this week and there will be no club on Thursday.