Lego Workshops

On Thursday 11th January, all children from P5 to P7 attended a Lego workshop where they built working models of a conveyor belt.

Here is some of the feedback from the children:

“I think Lego is fun, it was easy to build and I think it is amazing how Lego can do that and I didn’t know that.”
“I enjoyed the Lego workshop even though I don’t really like Lego.”
“I loved the Lego workshop. We built a mechanical lift and it worked and I had a great time.”- Holly
“It was good. I hope I get to go again. I learned that I can make remote control Lego.”
“The Lego workshop was brilliant. We learned how to build brilliant Lego and I’m not the best at Lego. It was also brilliant because everybody in their twos worked brilliant together thanks to my partner Tommy.”
“It was awesome and we built a till like in a shop.”
“The Lego was so exciting. I learned how to make a Lego conveyor belt. I had lots of fun!”
“I thought the Lego was fun but it was a little bit hard.” – Alesha.
“I enjoyed the Lego thing, it was fun. we learned how to make the Lego car drive, that was cool. I loved it.” – Morgan.
“The Lego workshop was amazing, it really brought out creativity. Thank you for coming.” – Lewis.
“I think that the Lego was fun because you made an invention.” – Del
“I really like when we tried the conveyor belt because it was powerful and cool! Thanks for letting us try out these epic and fun tasks!” Gary
“I really liked trying to move Lego and following the instructions sheet. I really enjoyed it!” Brooke.
“I liked how we were allowed to make our own conveyor belts. But I didn’t like how we were doing maths in engineering.” Kieran
“My favourite part was when I made the conveyor belt move & working together.” – Chloe

For more photos of their creations, just follow the link below:

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