Monday 4th May

Good afternoon p7, I hope you are all well and ready for a new week. I loved reading all about your chocolate inventions, ohhh makes me hungry just thinking about some of them!

Today’s  task will focus on modern studies and maths

modern studies

In today’s world, especially in recent times, we hear news reports that are untrue. This is called fake news. Many of you know about this as we have spoke about it in class before. However, I thought we could try this task that Miss Cohen has made. Give it a go and email me your answers or post them on the blog☺

Today  I thought I would post some addition and subtraction questions. You do not have to do all the questions, it’s just a little reminder of how to do them. Remember you have your learning packs which cover a range of different maths skills. So you can go between maths in the blog and maths in the pack.




missing you all loads

Miss O’Donnell🤗

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