Dancing our way through P7

This week was a busy week with a visit to holyrood and a trip to the emirates arena, as well as fun filled literacy and maths activities.

This week in literacy we focused on poetry, looking at the theme of freedom. This was very interesting as we got to create a poem based on what we think it is like to be free. Additionally, we had a visit from Ben the storyteller. He told us a  very interesting story about freedom and power  and what it would be like if we had our freedom taken away.

On Tuesday 8 primary 7,s ( Aaron, Hamza, Saad, Rayan, Malaika, Raeesah, Rabab and Rabia) represented St alberts in an athletics competition in the Emirates arena. Well done to all who took park, especially Rabab for her super speed!

On Wednesday we were invited to Holyrood to attend an event run by the sixth year sports leaders. Here we learned 6 traditionally Scottish dances. This was a fun experience as we were able to chat to other children from difference to schools.

Celebrating Burns

We had a busy week celebrating Robert Burns.

Everyday  we practiced Tam O’Shanter with our class teacher and Mr Mcormack. This was an excited experience, however, was challenging as we had to help create a soundtrack and a rhythm to go with the poem. Additionally this week we practised for the athletics competition. This involved sprinting and hurdles.
Furthermore,  Zayd, Rayan, Saad and Hamza from p7 and  Zoha, Mashael and Safa represented the school in a football competition. The boys won two games and drew one. The girls won all matches apart from one! Well done everyone who took part. Lastly, we had Ben the storyteller visit our class to talk about slavery and freedom. This was exciting and something we are looking forward to continue over the next couple of weeks. 

New Year New Adventures

Welcome back to P7’s blog. We hoped you had a relaxing two weeks off because we have big plans for this year!!


On Monday we welcomed everybody back into class and then got straight into our work. Firstly we completed our guided reading with Miss O’Donnell. After break Miss told us told us that we would be learning about fractions, decimals and percentages within maths. After lunch we were introduced to our new topic- SLAVERY. We are looking forward to learning about slavery around the world and in Glasgow.


On Tuesday we continued with guided reading and learned what the word slavery meant and what we associate with slavery. Mr McCormack also visited our class on Tuesday to help us with our performance of Tam O’Shanter .   


In the morning we had Mrs Sheridan for maths. During this time we learned about long multiplication. This was very helpful. Additionally, on Wednesday we had pe. This month we are practicing for an athletics competition.  In pe we practiced hurdles and running as a team. This was very tiring but enjoyable.


On Thursday  we went to holyrood as part of our introduction to first year. This session was a science based. We were introduced to eight science teachers. We learned about our optic nerve and our retina. We also made a box, where we could see rainbow colours because of the reflection of the light. This was an exciting and fun experience which has made everyone look forward to science in high school