Wednesday – Maths, Science, Modern Studies and PE.

Good morning guys, I hope you’re all feeling well. 😊😊

Thanks to everyone who has sent me work.  You can send me pictures of what you’ve been up to too. Today I’m going to bake brownies so I will show you some pictures of that later.🍫🍫

Here are some tasks to keep you busy on this dreich day. Can anyone remember what ‘dreich’ means from our Scots language lessons? ☁️🌧

Maths – have a go at these equivalent fractions activities.  Remember, to find equivalent fractions, use your times tables knowledge to help you.





Science – go onto the St Albert’s YouTube channel and check out the fun experiments Miss Cohen has been doing. I laughed out loud while I was watching. If you’ve seen Mrs Doubtfire, you will understand.

Leave a comment on this blog and let me know what your favourite experiment was and why it was your favourite. Also, let me know if you tried any of the experiments or if you are planning to carry out any of them at home.

Here’s the link – 

Modern Studies – Our topic this term has a modern studies focus. On the YouTube channel, Miss Cohen has explained what Modern Studies is so follow the same link as I have posted above and go check it out.  Have a go at your first topic task.  You can email me and let me know how you got on. Feel free to do some of your own research for this topic before the next lessons, this will help you have a better idea about it. 

PE – Even though it’s quite dull and rainy today, you should still try and go outside for a while. Fresh air always makes me feel better.
Try this PE in your house or in your garden.  I’ve chosen an activity I think you’ll enjoy. You get to be a wee bit silly doing it and that’s always fun isn’t it? 🤪🥳

After you’ve done this activity and you’re feeling really warm, why not give this a go! I know a lot of you love dancing to TikToks (I do too, sshhhh) so you could do this for the task below. Happy dancing 💃🏻🕺🏽

Remember, you don’t need to do all the tasks.  You only do what you want to do but try and challenge yourself. Keep your brain and your body active while in lockdown.

I’m looking forward to seeing all your replies and pictures of your tasks.
Stay safe,

Miss McCue xx

18 thoughts on “Wednesday – Maths, Science, Modern Studies and PE.

  1. Quarantine has been going quite good Hope you’re staying safe 😄 and having fun I know I have been having fun I been on ticktok and watching YouTube and on the blog

  2. Miss I tried to add my email so I could send my work but it said it was wrong and it does not let me post a comment with it

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