Monday 22nd June Learning Tasks

Good morning Primary 4,

Did you notice that on Saturday the sun didn’t go down until after nine o’clock at night? That was because it was a special day called the Summer Solstice which is the day with the longest number of daylight hours in the whole year. Here is a Powerpoint presentation about the solstice and someĀ  reading comprehensions to follow. Choose the one that you can read and answer the questions.



Now for some Maths.



Next some handwriting.

Positioning the Letter ‘q’ Activity Sheet

The Letter ‘d’ More Joining Practice Activity Sheet

The Letter ‘o’ Extra Practice Activity Sheet – Continuous Cursive Alt

The Letter ‘p’ Activity Sheet – Cursive Alt

The Letter ‘y’ Handwriting Help Card

Ursulas Passport Application Activity Sheet

Here is a booklet that you can print out to use for handwriting work.

Handwriting Lined Booklet

Here is a sheet that you can print and use every time you read a new book at home to write about what you thought of it.


Finally some relaxing colouring sheets.


I hope you enjoy these tasks. Let me know in the comments box how you are getting on with the work.

Miss Brooks


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