Wednesday 10th June Learning tasks

Good morning Primary 4,

The weather outside is rainy for a change, but I am glad because the plants and trees in the school Eco garden need a good drink. Our potatoes planted by the gardening group earlier this year should soon be ready to harvest. Maybe you could send some suggestions about what we should make with them when we dig them up.

I hope you managed to try the wildlife survey I included in yesterday’s blog. If you didn’t, here is the sheet you need to take a note of any creatures you see in your garden, back court or park.


From your survey results, choose an animal that you would like to learn more about and do some online research about them. Find out what they eat, what habitat they live in and any other interesting facts about them.

Following on from this,  we are now going to look at how we can care for our chosen animal. You could decide to help them out with a new habitat, or better access to food? You could add bird feeders to your garden, or a bug hotel or add a shallow dish of water with flat stones in it that bees can land on to get a drink.

Here are some learning tasks:

You might need an adult to help with these.

Let me know how you get on and send some photos, please.

Miss Brooks

4 thoughts on “Wednesday 10th June Learning tasks”

  1. Hi Mrs Pattie and Mrs brooks how are you ? i was checking the division links but it wasnt letting me, do you know how to go on the links ? i really want to go to school.
    I miss all my teachers and friends.
    and Miss brooks i want to be a sciecntest when im older im going to do litter picking , help the plannet and try experiments

    1. It is wonderful to hear from you! I hope you are doing OK and don’t miss school too much. We are looking forward to school starting again. When I was younger I wanted to be a scientist too, it is a very exciting career to think about and we need more women scientists so go for it!
      I’m not sure what division link you mean but I will put some division work on the blog for you tomorrow if that helps. 🙂

  2. Hi Miss Pattie I hope you have an amazing day today and Miss Brooks I hope that you have an awesome day see you in August bye 😀

    1. Hi, we have been at school today doing lots of work getting ready for you all coming back. Miss Brooks has been doing amazing things in the eco garden and I can’t wait for you all to see it! 🙂

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