All posts by Mr Corrigan

Week beginning 20/01/20

This week the creative Arts took centre stage in P3.  We had the absolute privilege of having Barrowland Ballet lead us through the story of Icarus and Dadaelus.  Each morning we practiced the dance routine in preparation for our big performance in front of hundreds of people on Friday.

We worked individually, in pairs, in small groups and as a whole class. It was a unique opportunity to tell the world the story of how Icarus flew too close to the despite his father’s warning.

By telling the story through movement, it took away any language barriers, helping everyone to express themselves in a safe and supportive environment.  This is something we really hope to achieve in P3.

A massive thanks to Dawn and Jade from Barrowland Ballet who supported throughout the week.



However, our creative talents didn’t end there.  in fact it not gave us the thirst for more!

At the Burns’ Assembly we combined forces with P3/2 to sing “Donald, Where’s Yir Troosers”.  On a personal note I have to admit I was full of pride for each and every one of the pupils, they were a tremendous credit to the school.  Thanks to all the parents and family members for their support and attendance at the performance.

Our final art input of the week was to design our own tartan kilts, here are some examples of the tartans we created.

Week Beginning 12/01/20

One of the highlights this week was the introduction to our new topic for term 3.  Ancient Greece will be our focus with a a particular interest in the effects of slavery during this time.  We discussed what we would like to find out and what we already know about this fascinating time period.  The famous story about Icarus flying too close to the sun was our first myth we learned about.

In maths we concentrated our Glasgow Counts strategies on rounding and partitioning.  These skills helped us with a new problem solving task called “number pyramids”.

In reading we used the iPads to record our voices and see how well we can use expression when reading aloud.  Using iPads is a great well to have fun, work in a group and practice our reading too.  This is a video of Maryam and Mysha reading aloud.


On Friday we had our first session with Claire, the fantastic music specialist.  This week we learned a new song that our class will perform next Friday in celebration of burns’ Day.  the song s “Donald, Where’s Yir Troosers”, a fun song about Donald who wears a kilt instead of a pair of trouser, no matter where he is or what the weather is like! He must be very brave!

Next week will be slightly different.  We have the privilege of having a week-long input from Barrowland Ballet.  Every morning between 9 and 12 P3 will be learning how to move, dance and perform.  Please ensure your child comes to school next week dressed in non-uniform, this will ensure they are comfortable during Barrowland Ballet.

Also, just to confirm that PE this term will be on a Wednesday afternoon (outside on the MUGA) and Thursday afternoon (indoor Fitness).  Please bring a change of footwear on both days.

WB 06/01/20

From everyone in P3; Happy New Year!  We all hope you had a wonderful holiday and a great start to 2020.

It was lovely to see everyone back, raring to go!  This week we talked about our hopes and ambition for the next year.  We set ourselves targets to try and achieve at school and at home.  Our 2020 Vision will help us to assess our progress for the rest of the year.

We were introduced to a new strategy from Glasgow Counts.  We used “Compensation” to work out addition of 2 digit numbers.  It’s great to see how different strategies can be used to get the answers.

In reading this week we had a different for text to look at.  We used a magazine to think about different ways to find out information and think about what our preferences are.  We made an information poster with our favourite parts of the magazine and explained why we made our choices.

On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we worked really hard to create a procedural text.  We made a poster with instructions on how to make an Apple Bird Feeder.  It’s important to try and find new ways of making our writing interesting.  It also helps others to see what we can do to make our writing accessible for everyone, even if English isn’t their first language.  That’s why we used pictures to show how to do each step.  Also, during the winter  it’s important we help out garden birds with food.  Why don’t you try to make one at home?

Week beginning 11/11/19

This began with P3 learning about the importance of Remembrance Day.  We watched a short video about why the significance of the poppy and designed our own.

As a class we observed the 2 minutes silence at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.

In maths this week we were learning about identifying 2D shapes and their properties.  Undoubtedly the highlight of the week was our Architectural Walking Tour of Pollokshields.  In groups we used our brand new class-set of 6 iPads to photograph buildings of interest and then identify 2D shapes on the buildings.

It was a stunning day which really helped to show off just how beautiful Pollokshields really is.

After a lot of walking and photography we decided we all deserved a bit of a play in Maxwell Park.  Great fun was had by all!

On Friday we celebrated St Albert’s Day 2019. Amongst other fun activities we wrote an acrostic poem about what St Albert’s means to us.  It’s at times like this we all realise what a special place our school truly is.

Next week is Book Week Scotland, to help promote the importance of reading please take some time each day to read with your child.  It’s amazing what you can learn from each other just by spending a few minutes reading together.


Week beginning 04/11/19

Another very busy week in P3.  There was a focus on the 10 times table in Numeracy. We also had loads of fun activities in the lead up to Bonfire Night.  The children learned a lot about the importance of staying safe during this time of year.  On the 5th of November we learned about the science behind fire and what is needed to keep a fire going.  Understanding what happens with fire is vital when it comes to fire safety.


We made sure everyone was a safe distance away.


After we collected wood (fuel), we then had a go at starting the fire without matches or a lighter.  Instead we used flint and steel to make a spark to light cotton wool and petroleum jelly.


As the fire got bigger we decided to add our very own Guy to symbolise the history behind the festival.




Also this week, we were learning about Remembrance Day.  We focused on how we thought people involved in wars would feel.  In groups we thought about what questions we might ask or what we saw in photos from World War 2.


Week beginning 28/10/19

This week P3 were learning about, and celebrating, Halloween. Amongst many other things we found out about the history of Halloween and where it originated from.


We made scary pumpkin masks to help disguise ourselves against the evil spirits wandering around St Albert’s at this time of year!

As part of our architecture topic we designed haunted houses for our weekly Lego challenge.  We had to consider what our houses would look like and what made them scary.



Week Beginning 21/10/19

As good as the October holiday was, it was great to get back to P3 and resume our wonderful learning.  Autumn is truly in full swing and with the weather being favourable we spent a lot of time outdoors.  In term 2 P3 will learning about different forms of poetry.  This week we focused on a “5 Senses” poem, the theme was Autumn.  Whenever possible, it’s important learning to get real life experience, particularly if we have to live up to the high standards set in Term 1!

We went to the Sensory Garden to explore our 5 senses with an autumn feel.

Haadiya and Hooriah get up close to savour the “smell” of a tree!

Some of the notes P3 took to help with their poems.

Some of our Autumn 5 Senses poems.

We also completed our Wind Chimes made from tin cans.  After painting them in Autumnal colours, we hung them up in the Sensory Garden so they will make a lovely, relaxing chiming sound when the wind blows.

Also this week, P3 discussed their topic relating Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM).  Our focus will be “Architecture” both locally and from around the world.

Our first task was to use Lego to build a bridge with certain restrictions (as in real life).  It’s important that everyone in P3 develops their skills in working in a team.

Week beginning 01/10/19

This week’s focus was “Outdoor Learning.”  What better way to appreciate wonderful colours of autumn than a walk to Pollok Park.  We are very lucky to have such a beautiful natural resource right here in Pollokshields. On Tuesday morning we made our way to Pollok Park with a focus on creating a Story Stick, but also taking part in various challenges.

Here’s a film about our adventure.

On Thursday, we invited families to come into school and take part in one of our many outdoor activities.  Thanks to everyone who attended the event, hope you enjoyed our Nature Hunt.  It was a joy to see the families take time to read with their children, and to other pupils who simply wanted o listen to someone different tell a story.  Taking a short time to read with your child has a hugely positive impact on learning (plus reading outdoors is more fun!!)

Wael and Haadiya  find “something that feels rough”

Nurjenna and Eden “listen to sounds outdoors.”

Miss Bhatti, Arfa and Abdul find “something that feels smooth.”

Adil and Zainab recruit their families to help!

Aamira and her mum find “something that feels smooth.”


Here are some of the photos from the “Reading Outside” activity.





Week beginning 23/09/19

This week saw the official end of summer and the start of autumn.  What better way celebrate than a whole school trip to Edinburgh Zoo.  This was a unique opportunity to see a huge variety of unusual animals up close and personal. Not many schools would have the vision to provide an experience like this for its pupils and their families.

Here’s a few photos from a wonderful day at the zoo!

Week Beginning 16/09/19

Welcome back to another update of the exciting learning that has been going on in P3.

This week we continued to construct the sustainable Obstacle Course in the Sensory Garden.

We assessed the risks to make sure the P1s or Class 1 would find it challenging yet safe.  This is a vital part of any outdoor activity and will help with ensuring we are safe whatever we do in the future.

Adil used the bungee cords and tarp to build a den, in case it started to rain!

Also this week, we were lucky enough to have a taster session from a judo coach.  He made us do fun, and sometimes crazy, things.  It is important we get these opportunities to experience sports and activities that are available to us in school and out in the community.

During art we worked together in groups.  We used Pixel Art (small squares, just like emojis) to design a simple piece that would be chosen in our groups then made into a much larger piece to be displayed on the windows in the classroom.

We used Post-It Notes as they were the same square shape as our Pixel Art pieces.  It was a challenge to work together to produce an accurate replication of our plans but the end result was absolutely brilliant!


The Earth from Space


Under the Sea: Fish and Coral


Scary Things: A Halloween Pumpkin


Scary Things:  A Ghost

This week will no doubt be just as busy.  There will be a whole school visit to Edinburgh Zoo on Thursday.  Can’t wait!!

Please remember the school will be closed for the September Weekend on Friday 27th and Monday 30th.