All posts by Mr Corrigan

Week beginning 31/08/20

Hello again, lovely to see you again!  Although the past week or so has been one that has changed on a daily basis I’m still amazed by the resilience and positive attitude of everyone in P6.  Huge credit is due to every last one!

Some important information.

  1.  PE will be on Monday afternoons and Thursday mornings.  For the foreseeable future ALL PE will be outdoors, this falls in line with Public Health recommendations on physical activity involving large numbers.
  2. In order to maximise the comfort and safety of your children it is recommended they bring outdoor shoes and waterproofs each day.  This will ensure all possible opportunities for Outdoor Learning can take place in any weather (and we all know Scotland is renowned for “any weather!)
  3. P6 will be getting their own Microsoft  Teams Login details soon.  Microsoft Teams will is a secure online forum whereby homework, assignments and feedback can be given.  I’ll give more info soon.

Last week we focussed on 5 digit numbers, rounding, estimation and place value in numeracy.  We practiced our number lines outdoors. Our topic for Guided Reading was Greece.

Here are some photos from last week’s fun.

I learned an important lesson last week, white boards and white board pens don’t work in the rain.  I’ll need to have a rethink for the next time…..


Don’t be sad it’s over, be glad it happened, P3!

Well, it’s finally here, the last day of P3.  Can you honestly believe it? I hope you’ve had a chance to watch the film about the class I sent yesterday.  I think back to that first day class when I didn’t know any of you, now I look back with a smile knowing I’ve made 30 new friends for life! I want to thank all of you and your families for the love, support and laughter you’ve given me.  I’m confident you all reach your potential in life, just keep believing in yourselves.  You are a class that will stay with me forever,  thank you for everything you’ve achieved.
Please make sure you have an amazing summer and take care yourselves and each other.
Lots of love, Mr Corrigan


All the joys under the sun!

Morning everyone, it’s the second last day of P3!!!

I’ve made a short video of all the best bits from P3.  I’ll send a link privately through WhatsApp to each of you.  It’ll be on a private link to the infants YouTube channel, it won’t be public.  Hope you enjoy it!  It made me smile so much when I was making it, reminded me of the all good times we had together.

Task 1: Literacy: discuss with a family member or friend your best memories of P3.  Then talk about what you want to achieve in P4.


Task 2: watch my film about P3, I’ll send the link a bit later today through WhatsApp.

It’s the final countdown!

Good morning everyone, I hope you had a fantastic weekend. Can you believe we’re in the week of school? I loved seeing so many of you last week, it really did put a smile on my face.  Thank you for amazing!

Yesterday was the longest day of the year.   It’s the day that has the biggest difference between the time the sun rises and the time the sun sets.

Task 1:  numeracy, research the time of sunrise and sunset yesterday and find the exact difference between the two.  This is tricky so maybe get an adult to help.


Task 2: art: draw, sketch, paint, or craft a summer picture.  It could be at the beach, at a swimming pool, in the park, anything at all.  Make it your best work EVER!  Send a photo of your work to me.

Funky Friday Fun

It was great to see so many of you yesterday when you collected your reports and info about your new classes.  If I didn’t get the chance to see you that’s ok.  Although it was awesome to see you, it also reminded me of how much I miss everyone!  I loved writing the reports and putting in the photos of everyone.  It reminded me of all the fun time we shared together in P3.   Definitely my favourite photo was the one where we had everyone on the steps next to the MUGA.  Remember it was only 1 of 4 days in the entire year where everyone was in class at the same time??  I’m so happy I took that photo.

Task 1:  Now you have your envelopes you’ll know you have a £10 voucher for ASDA.  Have a think and tell me what you will buy with the money that will help you over the summer and prepare for P4.

Task 2:  HWB, the final day of your virtual Sport Day.  Try any of the activities you haven’t done yet.  If you’re feeling brave try the football bottle toss.  It’s really difficult!

Task 3:  Funny Friday.  Your task is to try not to laugh.  It took me until I saw the baby with the bucket over its head.  It totally cracked me up!!!  Best way to start the weekend.

Fun times

Task 1:  Literacy:  as it is almost the end of P3 I thought you list some of your favourite things that have happened over the year.  Even though it has been sadly cut short by the Lockdown there have been loads of fun things.  I’ve listed a few but maybe you could put your top 5 things from P3.

  • made loads of new friends
  • went to Pollok Park
  • took photos of architecture around Pollokshields
  • studied Ancient Greece
  • danced in front of the whole school


Task 2: reading, it’s the final Youtube Live today at 2.30.  This week’s book has been chosen by Aamira.  It will be a couple of chapters from the BFG (the film is awesome too!).  Great choice, Aamira.



Task3  HWB:  Sports Day, continue on with your Sports Day activities and keep sending me through any short videos or photos.

Sometimes there’s a rainbow after a thunderstorm.

Good morning everyone, hope you are all well and enjoying our sports week!

Task 1: HWB, try another 2 or 3 activities from the sports day planner.

Task 2: Science, watch the next video on the Secret Garden.  You’ll be amazed how much it’s changed in such a short space time.  After watching the video, send me 3 questions about my Secret Garden that you would like me to  answer.


Task 3: Numeracy,


Only 2 weeks to go until the Summer Holidays!!

Hi everyone, hope you have a lovely weekend.

Last week I spent some of the time in school helping to make it look amazing for your return in August.  With the help of some volunteers, all the staff have started to paint the school, both indoors and out.  If you are out for a walk this week, why not go past the school and see if you can notice anything different!

Task 1: HWB:  As it’s coming near to the end of term we’re going to focus on some sporting events.  First of all, watch the youtube video attached.


Next, look at the Sports Day planner attached.  There are 13 challenges to attempt, I want you to try 2 or 3 challenges per day.  Record how you got on either by filling in the Record Sheet (attached) or by filming or photographing you and your family taking part.

PEPASS Virtual Sports Day Challenges

Recording sheet

I can’t wait to see everyone’s sports day!

Task 2: Numeracy; you can choose to try A/B or C or even all 3!

YouTube Live Today!

Good morning, I trust you’re all well.

Hopefully, you’re managing to get through some of the activities I posted on Day 31.  Here’s a reminder of what you can do.

Learning ideas pdf

I’ll be in school today but will be back home in time to do the weekly YouTube Live Reading on the Infant Channel.  This week the book will be “James and the Giant Peach” as requested by Hooriah.

I hope you and your family can join me at 2.30.  Can’t wait to see you there!