Week Beginning 21/10/19

As good as the October holiday was, it was great to get back to P3 and resume our wonderful learning.  Autumn is truly in full swing and with the weather being favourable we spent a lot of time outdoors.  In term 2 P3 will learning about different forms of poetry.  This week we focused on a “5 Senses” poem, the theme was Autumn.  Whenever possible, it’s important learning to get real life experience, particularly if we have to live up to the high standards set in Term 1!

We went to the Sensory Garden to explore our 5 senses with an autumn feel.

Haadiya and Hooriah get up close to savour the “smell” of a tree!

Some of the notes P3 took to help with their poems.

Some of our Autumn 5 Senses poems.

We also completed our Wind Chimes made from tin cans.  After painting them in Autumnal colours, we hung them up in the Sensory Garden so they will make a lovely, relaxing chiming sound when the wind blows.

Also this week, P3 discussed their topic relating Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM).  Our focus will be “Architecture” both locally and from around the world.

Our first task was to use Lego to build a bridge with certain restrictions (as in real life).  It’s important that everyone in P3 develops their skills in working in a team.

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