Day 28: Believe in a better world, P3.

Hello again, fancy meeting you here! Here are a few tasks for you to try out.

Task 1: history:  Today we are going to learn about Ghandi.  He was a huge influence in ensuring fairness for the people of India.  Perhaps some of you have seen on the news recently that inequality still exists across America and lots of people are fighting to ensure everyone is treated fairly.  Find out how Ghandi went about changing the world for the better.


Task 2: Literacy: give me 1 sentence to describe what is happening in these 5 photos from P3.

Photo 1:


Photo 2:

photo 3:


photo 4:

Photo 5:


Task 3: numeracy: try these sums, give yourself a challenge and try group C.


One thought on “Day 28: Believe in a better world, P3.”

  1. In one photo ayasha is making a parkour.
    Photo 2 ; we saw a monky climbing.
    Photo 3;we was so excited to take class photo on the zoo.
    Photo 4:we was looking at the penguins.
    Photo 5:mirs Bhati teaching kids what we have to do.
    Manha describe this all photos

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