Wow, P3 are absolutely amazing!!! Day 4

Good morning everyone, hope this reaches you well.

As well as the usual activities involving your literacy (reading, creating your stories like Mrs Harker!) and numeracy (Sumdog), I have a couple of added fun activities.

Task 1 – You may know that some children are putting up rainbows in their house windows as a sign of hope and happiness.  Some are also putting up messages to remind people they are not alone and that it’s important we all stick to the rules.

I would like you to make your own rainbow using any resources you can find (including glitter, and everyone knows I don’t like glitter!!) and display it on your window so people can see.  You can also put up some messages each day to show passers-by that you’re not forgetting them.

I’ve put some examples to give you inspiration.  Can you think of words and phrases that are positive?  What would people like to see?  Can you use humour in your message?

When you have done that, take a photo and post it on social media.  There’s a great Twitter site called “I Love Pollokshields”. Put it on there and I bet it’ll get lots of likes!

I know you’ll be able to create some unique and powerful displays.


Task 2 – Can you be a news reporter?

Watch today’s Newsround and listen carefully to the questions being asked.

Now, you’re going to be the news reporter!

First of all, think of someone you would like to interview.  It could be someone in your house or could you interview someone over a WhatsApp video call??

Second, think of 5 questions you will ask them, make them interesting and challenge yourself!  Remember, the questions starters – Who, What, Why, Where, When, How

Finally, interview your chosen person.  It’s important to talk clearly and really listen to the person’s answers (just like we do in class).  Could you even ask them another question about their answers?

Try and interview 1 person everyday for the next week.  You have no idea how much it would mean to someone that you’ve taken time to think about them and ask them questions.

Good luck, and stay awesome P3!


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