Day 3

Hello, I hope you are all managing with the change in circumstances. It’s not easy being stuck in the house but together we can get through this with a smile on our faces!

Everyone should have a copy of their Sumdog login, it was stuck in the front cover of the homework jotters.  If you don’t have a copy of the login then the following info will get you logged in:
login: your child’s first name with a capital letter at the start                eg Andrew

password: your child’s last name with NO capital letters.                       eg. corrigan

School: st-alberts-primary-school

Sumdog has very kindly allowed us access to reading and spelling activities as well.  I’ll set weekly tasks to complete but feel free to use Sumdog daily.  It’s recommended not to use Sumdog for more than 20 mins each day.

I also added another story on YouTube today. Enjoy!



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