Week Beginning 24/02/20

It’s certainly been a very busy couple of weeks in P3.  Most definitely the highlight was the Whole School Assembly run by ourselves.  It took a lot of hard work, patience and a huge amount of talent to put together our show on Ancient Greek Myths.  Thanks to everyone for their support and kind words to the children.  There is huge value on using drama and the arts to communicate and express yourself.  Plus it always helps when there’s a laugh or two involved as well!


In numeracy we have been focussing on “Division” and its relationship with multiplication.  Using a variety of resources we looked at how to share equally when dividing by 2 and 4.

It was World Book Day on Thursday and throughout the week Mr Brown organised loads of activities to do with our love of books.  We celebrated with our very own love heart photo on the MUGA to show off our WBD t-shirts.  Some of the designs were AMAZING!

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