Term 3 Weeks 1&2

HAPPY NEW YEAR! And welcome back!

We have kick started the new year with some exciting new topics, lots of reading, writing and Numeracy!

This term P1 will be learning all about Traditional Tales from around the world! We will be learning how to create and describe characters and settings and explore alternative story endings.

This week we have been learning the stories of Cinderella and the Indian story of Cinduri. We have been comparing the stories and we have used the stories to explore the school wide topic of slavery. To do this we have been teaching the children about the UN rights of the child and discussing whether or not they think Cinderella and Cinduri were treated fairly. You will be able to see the children’s work on this topic displayed in the open area in the coming weeks.

We have also been learning how to make a sandwich and write instructions, writing invitations to the Royal ball,  building castles, and making wands!

In Numeracy we have been learning how recognise and make numbers 11-20 using outdoor toys.

we have also been learning to recognise Odd and Even numbers by seeing if the number can be shared equally and feeding our numbers to our new friends – Todd (odd) and Steven (even)!

We have also been learning about symmetry and creating symmetrical faces of our own!

Here are some photos of our learning:



Can that number of cubes be shared equally? Is it odd or even?

Symmetrical Faces!

Finding out and writing the missing odd and even numbers!

Building Castles!

Term 2 – Celebrations!

As well as Seasons this year we have also been focussing on the topic of Celebrations. This term we learned about and explored the following Celebrations:

-Halloween – we had great fun reading spooky stories as a class and focussed on the less spooky ‘Pumpkin Soup’. We used the story to teach us how to make Pumpkin Soup and then we made it all together as a class. Some of us liked the taste more than others! We write instructions on how to make it to give to P2 so they could have a go at making it themselves.

– Fireworks Night – this term we also focussed on learning how to read and write poetry. We visited the Nick Cave exhibition at The Tramway to help us to think of words to describe fireworks and build up a word bank to create our own poems. We used poetry maps to write our poems and used different materials to make firework paintings. In gym we learned a dance to Music for the Royal Fireworks by Handel.

– Christmas! This term we have been learning the story of Christmas to prepare us for our performance of The Nativity. The children worked extremely hard learning their lines and the songs are for the performance and we were so pleased to see some of you at the show.

Here are some photos of our learning!

Making Firework Paintings

STEM – Building fireworks using different construction materials


Visiting The Nick Cave exhibition at The Tramway

Christmas Celebrations!

Halloween fun in Class!

Halloween Party!

Making Christmas Wreaths with volunteers from St Albert’s Parish Church

Meeting Santa!

The Nativity Show!


Term 2 Seasons! – Topic and Literacy

This term P1 have had lots of fun learning all about the 4 Seasons!

Seasons – for this topic we learnt what the 4 seasons were and where they fell in the year. We looked at the changes in weather and how this affected the environment, particularly the animals. We learnt about hibernation and focussed on bears and hedgehogs.

This made for a very rich Literacy topic – we learned how to re-tell the story ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ using a story map and through drama. We learned how to draw a hedgehog, label a hedgehog, explain and describe what hibernation is, write  hedgehog poems and hedgehog stories. In Forest School we even got to make Hedgehogs using hammers and nails!

In gym this term we studied dance through Vivaldi’s  The Four Seasons in which we choreographed a dance which told the story of the hedgehog through the 4 seasons.

In art we worked in teams to create a 4 seasons collage display, learned how to do leaf rubbings and had lots of fun outside playing with the leaves!


Here are some Photos of our Learning –

Term 2 Phonics and Reading

This term we have been learning all of the sounds in Set 3 and 4 of the Jolly Phonics programme (these are sent out each week in the homework). We have been focussing on learning the key skills for reading, sounding out the words and then blending the words together to read. The children are really getting the hang of this and it’s wonderful to see the enjoyment they get from reading!

We have also been learning the first set of tricky words, I, the, to, do, me, he, she, we, be, was, of. These are words that you cannot sound out but you just have to remember! It’s really helpful if you try to teach your child to recognise these at home – you can use games such as hiding the words around the house and hunting for them or just having them displayed in the kitchen or bedroom and going through them every day.

Finally we put all of these techniques together to start reading sentences! Silly sentences most of the time! The goat is in a coat. We focus on rhyming sentences as recognising

We celebrated Reading Week by visiting the library, reading our favourite stories and hearing stories read in different languages by guest teachers. We loved hearing The Very Hungry Caterpillar in French!

Here are some photos of our learning!

learning the sound r “see my puppy rip the rag rrrrr rrrrr”

Term 2 Numeracy and Maths

It has been wonderful to see the children develop their number and Maths skills this term. P1 have been focussing on the following topics in Numeracy and Maths:

– Halves and Quarters (recognizing and making halves and quarters, understanding that this means 2 or 4 equal parts)

– Time (o’clock and half past, days of the week, months of the year and seasons)

– Number bonds to 5 and Number Bonds to 10 (different ways of making 5 and different ways of making 10 using Numicon, number robots and 10 frames)

– Sharing a group of objects equally

Here are some photos of our learning!

Dear Zoo and Literacy in Term 1!

This term we have been focusing on learning the first 2 sets of sounds in the Jolly Phonics programme. We learn 2 new sounds a week and share these sounds with you weekly via the children’s homework so please take the time to read the homework and have a go at some of the reading activities if you can.

In our Literacy lessons we learn how to recognise, say, hear and write the sounds on their own and then we learn words that either start with that sound or have the sound in them. We have been learning to read simple words like hen, pen, men, cat, hat, rat by sounding out the word c-a-t and then blending the sounds together to read. Caaaaaaaaaatttt, cat.

Our story focus this term was Dear Zoo. We learnt the story, sequenced the story through carpet games and by cutting and sticking parts of the story in order and then learned how to use print in our environment to write descriptions of the animals. Then we were lucky enough to actually go to Edinburgh Zoo! Wow, what a treat!

Here are some photos of our learning!


Numeracy and Maths in Term 1!

This term P1 have really been getting to grips with all things to do with numbers 0-10! We have been learning techniques for how to count a group of objects – by putting them in a line, moving them from one hoop to another hoop etc. We have been matching numerals to their quantities, writing the numbers 0-10, hunting for numbers and ordering numbers!

In Maths we have been learning how to recognize and describe the properties of 2D shapes, recognizing shapes in our environment and ordering things according to different categories like size, shape, pattern.

Here are some photos of our learning!

Roll it, say it, build it!

Writing and ordering numerals!

Playing with shapes!

Number hunts! Can you find that many leaves, twigs?

Counting out a number from a group using Lego. You can put it in a line, you can put it in a tower!


You can move the objects from one place to another to help you count!


Find shapes in our environment and describing their properties!


Ordering numbers and matching numeral to quantity independently.

Exploring Data Handling by sorting sticks into different sizes and sorting the litter we collected our our litter pick in to different categories!

Topics, Trips and adventures in Term 1!

In Term 1 P1 were looking at the topics ‘People In our Community’ and ‘Reduce, re-use, recycle’. To enhance, support and put the learning in to real life contexts for the children, we went on trips to Govan  Fire Station, had a visit from a Police Officer and visited The Polmadie Virador Recycling centre.

We continued the learning in the classroom by looking at non fiction texts, using discussions and circle times to develop our questioning and answer skills and showing our understanding through the use of our role play corner.

Here are some photos of our Learning!

Our trip to the fire station started with The Subway! We all had a turn getting in to the fire truck and using the hose!

Our Trip to the Recycling Centre and for some of us, our first trip on the bus! We loved the journey and had a good sing song along the way! The wheels on the bus go…..

We learned all about how the Police help in the community!



P1B Week 3! Making new friends!

It’s been another busy week in P1B (so busy, Miss Bull hardly took any photos!). It has been wonderful to see so many new friendships forming both in the class and in the playground this week. The children have shown amazing confidence and determination to get to know their school and others around them!

This week we have been learning to recognise and order the numbers 0-10, in Literacy we have been learning the sounds t and i. We’ve had lots of parent visits (thank you so much for coming!), Music and Gym. We have music every other Thursday and gym every Tuesday and Thursday.

Please join us next Thursday morning for our family learning session!

Here is a link to the jolly phonics sounds and songs to practice with your child at home.


Here are some photos of our week:

T hunt! Work with a friend in P1A to Find things that start with the sound t and tick them off your list!

Learning to recognise and order our numbers!

Making new friends at the water tray!

Learning to follow 2 part instructions in music!

Learning the sound i

Team games with The Jeely Piece