Wednesday’s Activities!

Good Morning!

Here is a poem that I remember learning when I was at school. It’s tells you what kinds of child you are depending on what day you were born. I’ve written what each thing means beside it in Italic.

Monday’s Child

Monday’s child is fair of face      (Beautiful)

Tuesday’s child is full of grace,    (Graceful)

Wednesday’s child is full of woe,  (Worries  a lot)

Thursday’s child has far to go,  (Will achieve a lot)

Friday’s child is loving and giving,

Saturday’s child works hard for a living,

But the child who is born on Sunday
Is bonny and blithe and good and gay.    (Happy and Cheerful)

Problem Solving Question:

I was born on a Friday (a very long time ago!) – what does the rhyme say about me?

Ask your adult which day you were born on and see what the rhyme says about you! (Remember it’s only a silly rhyme and a fun game, you are all of the things on the list really!)

Today’s Activity:

The rhyme tells us that Wednesday’s child is full of woe – woe means worry. Today is Wednesday so we’re going to talk about worries.

Watch this story ‘Silly Billy’ by Anthony Brown and read by a teacher called Alistair!

The worry dolls post that I did has been a really popular one, so today I recorded a version of 'Silly Billy' by Anthony Browne. It features Billy, who worries alot, and shows how worry dolls help him.I also feature my worry doll making efforts at the end of the video! Have a look.

Posted by Alistair Bryce-Clegg at ABC Does on Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Have a go at making some worry dolls at home!

These Worry Dolls are really simple to make. They originate from Guatemala in South America and are used for children to tell their worries to before they go to sleep. They then put them under their pillow and all of their worries disappear in the night.

They are useful at any time – but maybe especially now as there are lots of things that are changing for us at the moment and maybe making us feel a little bit worried.
If you make some  send me some pictures and let me know how they worked out.


Practice all of your sounds and then play Buried Treasure on Phonics Play, an excellent free website. Use the details below to log in.

Username: march20
Password: home


This week we are learning about Money. Ask your adult to show you all of the different coins from the UK and tell you which one is which. Can you order them from the coin that is worth the least (will buy you the least toys/sweets) to the coin that is worth the most (will buy you the most toys/sweets).

Play this Money game on Top Marks (another excellent free website):


The Huge Bag of Worries:


Lots of Love

Miss Bull


Tuesday – Courage and Mindfulness!

Good Morning!

Fun Fact: Did you know that every word has a meaning and the days of the week are no different.

Tuesday is Tiws-Day, Tiw was a god of war, and was equivalent to the Roman Mars. His main characteristics were that of honor, justice and courage. So Tiw represents Mars, meaning Tuesday is Mars day.

This morning I am going to focus on the word courage. Having courage means you are brave and strong and you try new things. Taking daily exercise makes your body stronger, giving yourself time to think and relax makes your mind stronger. Activities like Yoga and Mindfulness help us to be strong and brave.

I am going to do some yoga this morning and I’d like you to have a go to. You can listen to Mrs Creevy’s story ‘yoga babies below and try out some of the moves:

Science Challenge!

Mr Forshaw has set you a science challenge to get your brains working! Have a go at home!


Singing makes us happy and when people hear you sing it makes them happy too. Remember Clare our singing teacher? She has recorded our favourite song ‘I like the daffodils’. Watch the song first and then have a go at singing along with Clare.


Painting helps us to concentrate and relax our minds all at the same time! Why not have a go at Miss Milne’s Mindfulness Spiral Art.

Happy Tuesday!

Love Miss Bull


Monday Monsters!

Good morning my Monday Monsters!

I hope you had a lovely weekend. It was so lovely to see the sunshine wasn’t it? I cycled to Whitelees Wind Farm, it was a long cycle and all up hill but it meant that I got to cycle down lots of big hills on the way home! As Tigger says in Winnie the Pooh “What goes up, must come down!”.

Monday’s Exercise – If you have a bike or a scooter why don’t you cycle to the park with your family. It is definitely still safe to go to the park, you just have to remember these rules:
  • Give people lots of space – cycle or walk around them, step to the side of the path and wait for people to go past you. Make sure you are at least 2m from the person in front of you if they are not your family.
  • Don’t touch anything – the play parks are closed but don’t touch any lampposts, poles, signs etc. There are so many wonderful things to look at anyway!
  • Wash your hand when you get home (you could also wear gloves when you’re out to keep your hands clean and warm).
You can also try today’s P.E. lesson with Joe Wicks:

Art and Literacy Activity – Germ Monsters!

Can you make a Germ Monster at home like Miss Milne (see video below)? If you don’t have paints , pop to your local shop to buy some or check out Friday’s activity and make your own at home.

Literacy – Once you have made your Germ Monster can you write some sentences to describe your character?
  • My Germ Monster is ………
  • My Germ Monster has……
  • My Germ Monster likes to….

If you like you could make up a whole story about your Germ Monster and ask your adult to write it down for you!

Maths Activity –

Carry on completing your Sum Dog activites and practising your number bonds to 10!

This afternoon why not try some ‘Guided Relaxation’ with Mr Corrigan –

Story Time!

What story would you like? Leave your ideas in the comments or ask your adult to message me and I will record it for you by the end of the day!

My trip to the wind farm also got me thinking about one of my favourite stories, Winne The Pooh and the Blustery Day. You can watch it here:

Sending you lots of Monday Love.


Friday Fun Day!

Happy Friday everyone!

And Happy Spring! In spring, nature starts to wake up from its long winter sleep. Trees burst into leaf, flowers cover the ground and animals emerge from hibernation. There’s so much to see!

My neice Ruby is in Australia at the moment and today she went on a Nature Walk (it’s 9:00pm in the evening there so she has already been and now she’s ready for bed!). She sent a video for you all to watch…


On her walk she found a Paper Tree (when you peel the bark off it’s like a sheet of a paper!), a giant rock and ‘wiggly worm’ tree.

I wonder if you could go on a Spring nature walk today in your local area. You could look out for these things:

  • new green leaves
  • scented blossom
  • springy moss
  • sticky leaf buds
  • a lichen-covered twig (a light green/yellow algae that looks a bit like moss)
  • a piece of eggshell (stay well away from bird nests, look for fragments of shell that have fallen to the ground)

I am going to go on a Nature Walk around Maxwell Park today – If you see me, give me a wave!

Arts and Crafts!

Today why not have a go at making your own paint with ingredients you have at home! Check out Miss Milne in this video showing you how!

Have a lovely day everyone!

Miss Bull


Thursday’s Activity!

Good morning everyone!

Morning Exercise-

I am going for a run this morning as my daily exercise – start your day with a walk to Maxwell park or do some PE online with Joe Wicks! (Go to YouTube and type in Joe Wicks PE).


Today I am going to spend my time uploading all of the photos of your learning from term 3 to the blog. I’d like you to go through these with your Mum, Dad, Brother or Sister and talk to them about your learning.

  • What are you doing in the picture?
  • What are we learning about?
  • Can you spot your friends? Tell your family your friends name, something your friend likes and what you like to play with your friends.

When you have finished chatting about the photos can you have a go at writing a sentence about your favourite activity so far this year and another one about your friends.

Whilst you are waiting for the photos from this term have a look at all of the other blog posts from this year – there are lots of photos on those too!

Lots of Love

Miss Bull xxx


Wednesday’s story and Activity!

Good morning everyone!

Today you can listen to me reading the story ‘Tilly’s At Home Holiday’ by clicking on this link (make sure you rewind it back to the beginning as it seems to start half way through!) :



I wonder if you could have a go at making a Den or tent in your living room just like Tilly and her Mum. I’ve made mine using 3 chairs and a big fitted sheet (the ones with the elastic corners so it hooks easily around the chairs). I put a nice cosy blanket and cushions inside with a puzzle to play with and my favourite stories to read! Take some photos of your Dens and add them to the comments below or email them over! Enjoy!

Tuesday – A message of Love from me to you! :)

To my lovely lovely children!

Hello from me to you, from my home to your home!

I just wanted to leave you a short message to tell you that I love you and I miss you all very much. I know it must feel a little bit strange being at home for such a long time but it is the most important thing for you to do at the moment – Stay at home, wash your hands and look after each other! You are the most kind and caring children I have ever met so I know you’ll be really really good at that!

I have been very busy in my flat recording some stories for you to watch at home  and I will share them with you tomorrow.

For now, I hope you are just having a nice time at home with your family and enjoying spending time playing with your toys which I know you love so much.

SAH, DZ, HT and IJ – How are your transformers and Lego characters? Not getting up to too much mischief I hope? Maybe you could send me some pictures of their at home adventures!

MA and RA – Have you been doing any exciting science experiments at home? I know you love your magnets, what have you found in the house that’s magnetic?

SS and SF – Have you had fun playing with your cars?  Maybe you could draw me a picture of your favourite one?

ZS, AB, ZJ, SM, NIA and ST – Have you drawn any more lovely pictures since you’ve been at home or come up with any stories using your fantastic imaginations? Maybe you could send me a photograph of them?

If you have time it would be lovely if you could draw a rainbow and put it up in your front window with St Alberts P1B on it so that  next time I go for a walk around Pollokshields I can wave at you through the window!

Parents if you want to contact me about anything at all please email me at  I am here to support you and your family through these challenging times so I will help you in whatever way I possibly can.

Sending you lots of love and good vibes

Miss Bull – or Susie for secret! 😉





Monday’s Activities!

Good Morning Pupils and Parents!

Day 1 of no school so see below for a ‘could do’ list for today. We want you and your families to look after each other and think about staying safe first so don’t worry if you can’t do all of this today!

If you are learning at home, take videos and pictures of what you’ve done and post them on the blog or on Twitter for us all to see – believe it or not, the teachers are missing you!


Gym lesson online with Joe Wicks LIVE

9:30-10:30: Literacy

Practise your jolly phonics sounds with the video and do the actions:

Using one of your jotters, practise writing the letters. You can draw the picture from the song too!

Can you write any words?

10:30-11:15: Break Time

It’s important that you have breaks and fresh air if you can. Social distancing means you can’t go and play with other people that you don’t live with but you can go outside with your family for a walk, a run in the park or a cycle ride. Don’t stay inside all day.

Have a healthy snack – a piece of fruit or some raisins?

11:15-12:15: Maths

The best way for you to keep practising the right maths for you is through SumDog:

Your log in is in your home learning pack. Please spend today getting online on SumDog and looking at all the lessons you can do there.

12:15-1pm: Lunch 

Have a healthy lunch and go outside again if you can! If not, maybe put on some music and have a lunchtime disco in the house to get your body moving again!

1-2pm: Expressive Art

Choose one (or more) of the following to have a go at – you can look at the videos or use Google Images to help you find examples to copy.

  • Draw as many different shapes as you can think of and colour them all in different colours – you could label them? ‘A yellow circle, a green triangle…’
  • Mix some flour and water with a few drops of food colouring to make paint: – use your fingers to make a picture

2-2:30pm: Break Time

Go outside again if you can or have another disco…or you could do another Joe Wicks workout for kids? Stay Active!!

2:30-3pm: Story and chat

At the end of each day, we will send you stories to listen to/read. Some of these will be read by your lovely St. Albert’s teachers, others might be by famous authors. To get ready for the story:

  • Get a snack and a drink
  • Get somewhere comfy – on cushions/sofa/bed, under a blanket
  • Get one of your parents or a brother/sister to listen with you

Here are today’s stories:

The Scarecrow’s Wedding, read by Miss Kinloch :