Tuesday – Courage and Mindfulness!

Good Morning!

Fun Fact: Did you know that every word has a meaning and the days of the week are no different.

Tuesday is Tiws-Day, Tiw was a god of war, and was equivalent to the Roman Mars. His main characteristics were that of honor, justice and courage. So Tiw represents Mars, meaning Tuesday is Mars day.

This morning I am going to focus on the word courage. Having courage means you are brave and strong and you try new things. Taking daily exercise makes your body stronger, giving yourself time to think and relax makes your mind stronger. Activities like Yoga and Mindfulness help us to be strong and brave.

I am going to do some yoga this morning and I’d like you to have a go to. You can listen to Mrs Creevy’s story ‘yoga babies below and try out some of the moves:

Science Challenge!

Mr Forshaw has set you a science challenge to get your brains working! Have a go at home!


Singing makes us happy and when people hear you sing it makes them happy too. Remember Clare our singing teacher? She has recorded our favourite song ‘I like the daffodils’. Watch the song first and then have a go at singing along with Clare.


Painting helps us to concentrate and relax our minds all at the same time! Why not have a go at Miss Milne’s Mindfulness Spiral Art.

Happy Tuesday!

Love Miss Bull


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