Wonderful Wednesdays!

Good Morning everyone!

I have just checked and I don’t think the link to my story was working on Monday so here it is again! I know the sun isn’t shining today but you could still try out some of the activities the book suggests like making petal perfume with all the fallen blossom leaves (I used to LOVE doing this when I was little!)


Watch this week’s assembly with Mr Stewart, Mrs Harker and Mr Keddilty!

Ideas For Today!

I hope you enjoyed receiving your packs yesterday! Today you could have a go at:

  • reading one of the reading books
  • starting your bean growing experiment
  • completing 1 of the worksheets

You could turn it in to a game and pretend to be the Teacher, set up your ‘classroom’ in your bedroom or living room and teach your brother or sister or teddy bears what you’ve learnt from your learning pack or the blog today!


These packs are to last you for the new few weeks so don’t rush them and take your time with each one!


I was so pleased to hear that so many of you are enjoying Sumdog. Mr Forshaw has uploaded some new activities for you to complete today. Enjoy!

Did you see Mrs Hunter- Andreucetti’s comment on Monday’s Blog? She left us lots of great idea’s for playing out in the rain!

Good morning everyone in P1b! I just watched the “Shake your sillies” video and had a go at it in my kitchen. It was so much fun.

The sunshine we have been getting has been great for helping plants grow. I found some basil seeds and planted them a few weeks ago and now they are growing nicely. When I am making pasta sauce I love to add some fresh basil leaves, so hopefully soon I will be able to use my own basil plants.
I think we are going to be getting quite a bit of rain over the next week, but that’s good too, otherwise the trees and plants outside might get too thirsty!
The rain can also be great fun to play in. When it rains I like to go outside, close my eyes and look up to the sky to feel the rain drops fall on my face. You should try it too and see if you can count how many raindrops land on your face!
You could also try to catch some raindrops to make a puddle in your hand. You could splash in the puddles and make up a rain dance. Send pictures of the fun things you do in the rain!

Sending you all lots of love,

Mrs Hunter-Andreuccetti.


Enjoy your day!

Miss Bull


M for Monday! Term 4 Week 2 – Shakey Shakey!

Good morning Monday Monsters!

I hope you had a lovely weekend, thank you for all your photos, I LOVED them!

The sun is shining again and I don’t know about you but the Sunshine makes me feel SO HAPPY! Today I am feeling thankful and happy for the good weather because it’s making all the plants grow in my garden! YAY! As you know, when i’m feeling Happy I get a little bit silly… so this morning I’m going to SHAKE MY SILLIES OUT! Why don’t you give it a go too?

Shake your sillies out!

Activity: Shake A Tree!

It’s raining bugs! Tree-beating is a great way to discover an incredible world of minibeasts otherwise hidden in the branches above.

What you need:
  • A sheet of paper (white is best!)
  • A paint brush / Lolly stick / Straw or pencil (this is for moving the bugs in to the container)
  • A container (tub/old takeaway box/jar/pot)
What to do:
  1. Find a tree or bush with some low hanging branches and lay your sheet underneath. Ideally you’ll have some helpers holding it up at the edge so minibeasts collect in the middle at the bottom.
  2. Shake the branch or gently hit it with a stick once (no need to keep hitting because most minibeasts will hang on after the initial tap). Don’t be too rough! You don’t want to damage it.
  3. Collect some of the minibeasts with your paintbrush and container and see what you’ve got.
  4. Use a camera or a smart phone to take pictures of what you’ve found.
REMEMBER that to the bugs you’re a GIANT. So be gentle and don’t hurt these tiny creatures. Put them back carefully as soon as you’ve had a look.

If you can, download this ID sheet to check what you’ve found!


Help the RSPB (Royal Society for the protection of Birds) by marking the activity as complete on their page and telling them what you’ve found! https://www.rspb.org.uk/fun-and-learning/for-families/family-wild-challenge/activities/shake-a-tree/


  1. Carry on with your Sum Dog activities as usual! How many coins have you collected so far?

2. Play this super fun bug catching game which teaches you all about estimating (guessing) and more and less!


3. Or play this Caterpillar ordering game (you can challenge yourself by choosing 1-100!)


Today’s Book: Look, Look, Look again….Spring! Read by Miss Bull:

Friday Funny Faces!


I hope everyone has been having lots of fun with the learning this week.

We are going to continue with our Growing and Living Topic. We all need to try and stay active, so here is video all about body parts that you can dance along with:

Activity 1:

Get some paper and some pencils or crayons and look at yourself in one of your mirrors at home. Look really closely at the shape of your face, your nose, your ears, the shape and colour of your eyes and your hair. Then draw a self-portrait (a self-portrait is a when you draw a picture of yourself!).

Then send your amazing drawings to me to see if I can tell it’s you!

Here are some examples:

Activity 2:

The weather is going to be AMAZING today! Go outside and stand with your back to the sun. What can you see? Your shadow! Ask someone to draw around your shadow either with chalk on the ground or put some paper in front of you and draw on that instead,

Can you have a go at labelling all of your different body parts?

Activity 3:

Seeing as this week is All About You, when you are having lunch today I want you try and make your face with your lunch! You can have a go at just making silly ones too. Here are some examples:

What do you think you might need to grow? It could be to grow bigger and stronger. It could be to become more confident or even to learn new things!

Can you make a list of the different things you can think of that you need to grow?

To finish your day, here is a lovely story about being different!


Thursday 23rd April – All about you!

Good Morning my lovelies!

I hope you had fun yesterday practising all things new and old! Did anyone manage to tie their laces or ride their bike? I’d love to hear about it if you did!

Today we are going to be kicking off our Growing and Living topic by talking all about YOU!

Let’s play a little game first! Here are some baby photos of teachers at St Alberts, can you guess who they are?! (Leave your answers in the comments)








Ask an adult to dig out some old photos of you and try the following challenges:

  • Can you put the photos in order of age like this? (Baby, Toddler, Child)
  • What do you think you will look like when you are a teenager? Can you draw a picture?
  • What do you think you will look like when you are an adult? Can you draw a picture?

Can you copy down these sentences starters and then finish them off with your answers (use your phonics to help you sound out the words and write them down):

  1. When I was a baby I could….
  2. Now I am a child, I can….

If you can, you can download and print these worksheets or make one of your own by drawing the boxes:





Please carry on with the Sumdog Mr Forshaw has set for you this week – tomorrow there will be an exciting quiz for you to do to see how much you’ve learnt this week and to collect more points!

Today’s Story: The Growing Story

Lots of Love

Miss Bull




Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day!

April 22nd is Earth Day!

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated around the world on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First celebrated in 1970, it now includes events coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network in more than 193 countries.

Celebrate Earth Day by:
  • Going on a nature walk!
  • Plant some seeds in pots in your house or in your garden and watch them grow!
  • Watch nature videos and films on youtube
  • Choose your favourite animal or an animal you don’t know much about and research them, watch videos about them.
  • Do some Earth Day arts and crafts: https://buggyandbuddy.com/15-meaningful-earth-day-activities-for-kids/


Miss Bull

Wednesday! Practice Practice Practice!

Good morning and Happy Wednesday!

Yesterday the infant teachers were putting together packs for your learning (staying very safe and keeping our distance!). These should be available for you early next week so you will have lots of worksheets and craft supplies to keep you going!

As well as learning about plants and animals that grow we are also going to be learning about ourselves, how we grow and how we stay fit and healthy.

Did you know that your brain is like a muscle? We have to exercise all of the muscles in our body including our brains to make them work so today is all about Practice Practice Practice!  Below I have posted lots of activities for you to choose from – you can try as many as you like! 

Exercise your body! Start your day with our favourite workout video and practice the moves that we used to do in class:

Practice your sounds and practice writing them all down (can you write any words too?)!

Have a go at Miss Dunnet’s Teacher Name Word Search! Click on the link


Practice making some patterns using your Lego! Click on the link

missing pattern infants

Learn how to tie your laces with Mr Corrigan and then practice practice practice:

Learn how to ride your bike without stabilisers and then practice practice practice:

I will post an end of the day story for you this afternoon once I have recorded it!
Lots of Love
Miss Bull

Welcome Back! Spring Term – Growing and Living!

Good morning everyone!

I hope you had a lovely break! I received lots of lovely photos of all the things you’ve been doing over the holidays, it looks like you’ve been making the most of the sunny weather so that is fantastic!

I spent a lot of my holiday in my Garden. To make a garden nice you have to look after it and no one had been looking after my garden so there were lots of weeds (weeds are naughty little plants that grow over the top of all the lovely grass and flowers) and the grass was SO LONG! I had to do lots of digging and raking. We mowed the lawn and sewed some new grass seed and some wild flower seeds.

Here is a picture of my garden before:

Here is a picture of my garden after:

This term our topic is ‘Growing and Living’ and we are going to learning all about plants and animals. Hopefully by the end of our topic you will all be fantastic Little Gardeners!

Your first Topic challenge is to help me to grow the grass and flowers in my garden. I need to know:

  • What do flowers and grass need to grow?
  • What if there is no rain (the weather forecast says it’s going to be very sunny!)? How will I give the plants water?
  • What are Wild Flowers? (Click on this link) https://www.growwilduk.com/wildflowers/learn-about-wildflowers/wildflower-gallery
  • Why are Wild Flowers important?

Can you spot any of these wildflowers in your garden or on your walk today? (Click on this link to download the spotter sheet) Wild Flower spotter sheet

Take some paper and pencils with you out the garden or out on your walk today. Draw a picture of your favourite plant or flower.

If you have a printer you can also download and print some wild flower colouring pages here:


We are continuing to learn about money this term and so Mr Forshaw has very kindly put up some new challenges on Sumdog for you today! Please let me know if you need any help with logging on to Sumdog.

End of the day Story:

The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle (Challenge question: What other books have we read that are also written by Eric Carle?)

Post your answers to any of today’s questions in the comments below and feel free to send me some pictures of your drawings and Wild Flower hunts!

Sending you lots of love on this Sunny Tuesday

Miss Bull





Friday Fun Day – End of Term!

Happy Friday everyone and Happy End of Term!

On Monday I will post a little end of term message for you and over the next few days I will be posting lots of activities to keep you busy over the Easter Holidays.

As you know today I will be cycling around Pollokshields/Bellahouston so that I can come and give you a wave through the window! I have sent your Mummies a rough time so until then here are a few fun Friday activities to keep you going (if you’re awake!):

Challenge Number 1:
Create your own Bubble Machine!
All you need is:
  • A sock
  • A bottle
  • Some Soapy Water
  • An elastic band
What to do:
  • Ask an adult to cut off the bottom of the bottle
  • Put a sock over the hole and secure it with an elastic band
  • Dip the sock into a bowl of soapy water and then BLOW from the drinking end….It’s Bubble Time!

OR –

Challenge Number 2: Use a box to create something imaginative.

This could be a theatre, an aeroplane, a car, a house, the list goes on….

Here are a few ideas:


Enjoy – and watch out for my End of Term Message on Monday!
Lots of Love
Miss Bull



Thursday – Lovely Ladybirds!

Good morning!

Off I go for my morning run around the park…I am going to look closely at all the flowers and plants and see what insects I can see! You could go for a run or a walk or start your day with some Insect yoga!

Before you start today’s activities, watch this story read by me!

Questions to ask your child about the story:

  • What is the story about?
  • What happened when the 2 ladybirds landed on the same leaf? Why?
  • Why did the Bad tempered Ladybird fly away?
  • If you were the Ladybird what would you have done differently?
  • Why do you think the Ladybird had such a bad temper? What was making him so angry?
  • Why did the Bad Tempered Ladybird want to fight? Is that the right thing to do if you’re feeling angry?
  • What happened when the Ladybird met the whale? Do you think the Whale could hear the Ladybird? Why not?
  • Where did the Bad Tempered Ladybird end up in the end?
  • Which animals did the Bad Tempered Ladybird meet along the way? See how many you can remember.

Activity: Make an information booklet about Ladybirds.

Ask your adult to help you look up facts about Ladybirds on the internet. See if you can make a booklet that has at least 4 different facts in it. You might want to find out:

  • What do ladybirds eat?
  • What are baby ladybirds called? What do they look like (you’ll be amazed when you find out!)?
  • What is the life cycle of a ladybird?
  • How long do ladybirds hibernate for?
Have a go at drawing a lady bird on the front of your booklet by following these steps


Why not try out Mr Forshaw’s latest Science Challenge! It looks SO fun!

See you tomorrow!

Miss Bull
