Thursday – Lovely Ladybirds!

Good morning!

Off I go for my morning run around the park…I am going to look closely at all the flowers and plants and see what insects I can see! You could go for a run or a walk or start your day with some Insect yoga!

Before you start today’s activities, watch this story read by me!

Questions to ask your child about the story:

  • What is the story about?
  • What happened when the 2 ladybirds landed on the same leaf? Why?
  • Why did the Bad tempered Ladybird fly away?
  • If you were the Ladybird what would you have done differently?
  • Why do you think the Ladybird had such a bad temper? What was making him so angry?
  • Why did the Bad Tempered Ladybird want to fight? Is that the right thing to do if you’re feeling angry?
  • What happened when the Ladybird met the whale? Do you think the Whale could hear the Ladybird? Why not?
  • Where did the Bad Tempered Ladybird end up in the end?
  • Which animals did the Bad Tempered Ladybird meet along the way? See how many you can remember.

Activity: Make an information booklet about Ladybirds.

Ask your adult to help you look up facts about Ladybirds on the internet. See if you can make a booklet that has at least 4 different facts in it. You might want to find out:

  • What do ladybirds eat?
  • What are baby ladybirds called? What do they look like (you’ll be amazed when you find out!)?
  • What is the life cycle of a ladybird?
  • How long do ladybirds hibernate for?
Have a go at drawing a lady bird on the front of your booklet by following these steps


Why not try out Mr Forshaw’s latest Science Challenge! It looks SO fun!

See you tomorrow!

Miss Bull




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