Thrill-seeking Thursday!

Good morning P1b!

Great to see you’re back at our class blog again for some more fun-filled activities!

The title of our blog today is ‘thrill-seeking Thursday’. I wonder if you have heard this phrase before – to be a “thrill-seeker”?

A thrill-seeker is a person who is keen to take part in exciting activities that involve physical risk and adventure.

Examples of thrill-seekers are;

  • a person swimming with great white sharks in the Pacific coast
  • slack lining where you are balancing on tight ropes suspended between two trees (you could potentially set something like this up in your back gardens or a local park) with help from an adult!
  • going on rollercoaster rides like the one below at a theme park!

As you can see, kids can be thrill-seekers too!

Task: Watch this video clip about a young skier and see if you can work out if the statements below are True or False.

The Far out ones: Kai Jones;

Watch to 1:48

  1. Kai first realised he liked skiing when he was about 2 years old. True or False?
  2. Kai’s Mum taught how to be safe in the mountains. True or False?
  3. The film is about a boy who loves skiing, mountain-biking, surfing and cross country running. True or False?

Tom Seipp: A mountain journal;

Watch to 5:01.

  1. Tom and his Dad ride a tandem bike (that means it is a bike for two people). True or False?
  2. One time in a competition, Tom ended up being sick during the course because he ate something “dodgy”. True or False?
  3. Tom says that there are certain sugary snacks and drinks that keep him going during a race, especially Coca-Cola. True or False?
  4. Tom never rides his bike during the night – he is very scared of the dark. True or False?



Mr Corrigan is going to be reading a couple of chapters from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the classic book written by Roald Dahl on Youtube at 2.30 today.

Hope that you and your family can join him and write him some comments. Here is the link to the channel;



Since we have been looking at the beautiful transformation from caterpillars to butterflies this week – why don’t you give these fun Caterpillar-themed tasks a go!



Have a lovely Thursday!

Miss Bull 🙂

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