Monthly Archives: April 2020

Thursday – Lovely Ladybirds!

Good morning!

Off I go for my morning run around the park…I am going to look closely at all the flowers and plants and see what insects I can see! You could go for a run or a walk or start your day with some Insect yoga!

Before you start today’s activities, watch this story read by me!

Questions to ask your child about the story:

  • What is the story about?
  • What happened when the 2 ladybirds landed on the same leaf? Why?
  • Why did the Bad tempered Ladybird fly away?
  • If you were the Ladybird what would you have done differently?
  • Why do you think the Ladybird had such a bad temper? What was making him so angry?
  • Why did the Bad Tempered Ladybird want to fight? Is that the right thing to do if you’re feeling angry?
  • What happened when the Ladybird met the whale? Do you think the Whale could hear the Ladybird? Why not?
  • Where did the Bad Tempered Ladybird end up in the end?
  • Which animals did the Bad Tempered Ladybird meet along the way? See how many you can remember.

Activity: Make an information booklet about Ladybirds.

Ask your adult to help you look up facts about Ladybirds on the internet. See if you can make a booklet that has at least 4 different facts in it. You might want to find out:

  • What do ladybirds eat?
  • What are baby ladybirds called? What do they look like (you’ll be amazed when you find out!)?
  • What is the life cycle of a ladybird?
  • How long do ladybirds hibernate for?
Have a go at drawing a lady bird on the front of your booklet by following these steps


Why not try out Mr Forshaw’s latest Science Challenge! It looks SO fun!

See you tomorrow!

Miss Bull




Wednesday’s Activities!

Good Morning!

Here is a poem that I remember learning when I was at school. It’s tells you what kinds of child you are depending on what day you were born. I’ve written what each thing means beside it in Italic.

Monday’s Child

Monday’s child is fair of face      (Beautiful)

Tuesday’s child is full of grace,    (Graceful)

Wednesday’s child is full of woe,  (Worries  a lot)

Thursday’s child has far to go,  (Will achieve a lot)

Friday’s child is loving and giving,

Saturday’s child works hard for a living,

But the child who is born on Sunday
Is bonny and blithe and good and gay.    (Happy and Cheerful)

Problem Solving Question:

I was born on a Friday (a very long time ago!) – what does the rhyme say about me?

Ask your adult which day you were born on and see what the rhyme says about you! (Remember it’s only a silly rhyme and a fun game, you are all of the things on the list really!)

Today’s Activity:

The rhyme tells us that Wednesday’s child is full of woe – woe means worry. Today is Wednesday so we’re going to talk about worries.

Watch this story ‘Silly Billy’ by Anthony Brown and read by a teacher called Alistair!


Have a go at making some worry dolls at home!

These Worry Dolls are really simple to make. They originate from Guatemala in South America and are used for children to tell their worries to before they go to sleep. They then put them under their pillow and all of their worries disappear in the night.

They are useful at any time – but maybe especially now as there are lots of things that are changing for us at the moment and maybe making us feel a little bit worried.
If you make some  send me some pictures and let me know how they worked out.


Practice all of your sounds and then play Buried Treasure on Phonics Play, an excellent free website. Use the details below to log in.

Username: march20
Password: home


This week we are learning about Money. Ask your adult to show you all of the different coins from the UK and tell you which one is which. Can you order them from the coin that is worth the least (will buy you the least toys/sweets) to the coin that is worth the most (will buy you the most toys/sweets).

Play this Money game on Top Marks (another excellent free website):


The Huge Bag of Worries:


Lots of Love

Miss Bull
