Home School Day 34

Good morning Class 2 💛

Here is your PATHS puzzle challenge. Rules are on the image to remind you what you do with Sudoku. See if you can crack it!

If you’d like to try some regular number Sudoku too then here is the link to a website where you can play it online with some easier boxes of 4, then boxes of 6 before boxes of 9.

For those of you who haven’t played sudoku before you can maybe start with boxes of 4 and work upwards but if you have played before you could challenge yourself with a 9 box right away!

Pick whichever level you prefer and send a screenshot to show me which one you chose or how fast you managed to solve the puzzle 🙂

Boxes of 4 – https://sudoku.vip/for-kids/

Boxes of 6 – https://sudoku.vip/6×6/

Boxes of 9 – https://sudoku.vip/sudoku-x/


Looking forward to seeing the results of your PATHS emoji sudoku, number sudoku and any other work you select for today in your photos this afternoon  😊🤩🐢

Day 33 work

Holiday weekend photos

Mariam’s lovely Eid gifts all ready on Saturday and some photos from Eid itself of her in her beautiful Eid outfit, with the money she received and eating delicious  food with her family. Thanks so much for sending these photos in Mariam 🙂 

Kayden made some delicious looking cupcakes over the weekend 🙂 

Kit was helping with some cleaning over the holiday weekend, cleaning and polishing in his room, he enjoyed a cycle and did some more of the postbox challenge

Hector went for a walk in a different direction and discovered Holmlea park (I think we pass this park on the way to Adventure) and he also saw some lovely rainbows – a painted paper one his neighbour made and   another being painted in his back lane, lovely! 🌈

Your work

Huzaifa was working on lots of worksheets at the end of last week – doing phonics work, comprehension and some fractions work, well done!


Today Subhan did some more of the PATHS Be Kind challenge, read his new book on Bug Club and wrote his holiday news

Aiyub also read his new Bug Club book today and completed the online comprehension and he drew some  additions to this superhero colouring sheet and wrote a little story 

Thank you as always for all the photos of your school work and what you’ve been getting up to. Looking forward to chatting to lots of you tomorrow 🙂


Home School Day 33

Good morning Class 2 and welcome back! 💛

I always love the first day of a new week on the blog as I get to see photos and read your weekend news about what you’ve been up to. Especially looking forward to that this week as it was a holiday weekend and some of you were celebrating Eid!

Thanks to those of you who have sent photos already, I will post them all this afternoon when I have everyone’s 🙂

Day 32 work

Video calls

Great to speak to Subhan today, looking forward to catching up with you all again next week and hearing all about your holiday weekend 🙂

Eid message

This week I have been chatting about Eid lots to those of you who will be celebrating this weekend. It is a difficult time for many as you are unable to spend it with your family who do not live in your house which must be hard.

However, I’m sure you will have a lovely time with the family in your own house whatever you do! I’m looking forward to seeing your photos on Tuesday 🙂

Here is a special Eid message from me 💛

Video message

A holiday treat for you all in the form of a video message from a great friend of Class 2 🙂

Your work

Aiyub did his corrections form yesterday’s phonics comprehension

Hector was doing a very interesting science experiment testing the pH of different fluids, he listened to Chapter 5 of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and got 100% in the quiz, and completed a shared story with his family

Subhan was doing some challenging add and takeaway money sums, answering hundreds (literally) of questions on Sumdog and doing some of the ,ptasks from the PATHS ‘Be kind’ challenge from yesterday

Kit read some of his book again on the Bug Club website, completed his fractions worksheet and went for a cycle. Last night he’d  Researched what to feed ducks apart from bread and went for a walk to the park with some oats and to see the new ducklings 


So nobody earned the bonus points (3 points!) up for grabs for completing a numeracy and literacy worksheet every day this week. Maybe we’ll set this challenge again next week after you’ve had the holiday to rest and recharge!

Subhan wins a point for doing the most worksheets this week, with a fabulous 8 in total, well done!

Huzaifa and Kit earned the points for reading all of their new book on Bug Club and doing each question, well done boys! Some of the rest of you have been reading your book but haven’t completed all the questions yet so you can earn your point for this next week 🙂

Here is our chart at the end of this week –

Happy holiday weekend to you all! Have a lovely long weekend and I’ll speak to you all next week 🙂

Home School Day 32

Good morning Class 2 💛 Last day of school this week today before our 4 day holiday!

Some Harry Potter themed activities for today ⚡️

Option 1

If, like me, you have been enjoying the famous voices reading the chapters of The Philolsopher’s Stone here is the link to the next chapter (5) being read by some stars you will recognise if you’ve watched the films 🙂 – 

There is a quiz to see  what you remember about the chapter and some other challenges to try related to this chapter too. These are like the comprehension activities we do with our own reading books in school –


Option 2

If you’d prefer to watch a clip from a Harry Potter and do some comprehension on that rather than listening to the story then here is the alternative task, similar to the Disney comprehension last week.

This is not from the first book like the audio book above but from the second book,  The Chamber of Secrets. This is the book and movie we studied when learning about Dobby the slave which you all really enjoyed.

If you click on the QR code it will take you to a clip from the movie. After watching you can answer the questions on character, setting and plot (story), some specific questions about sounds to test your listening from the clip and some opinion questions just likes ones we do in our comprehension in class.

I look forward to seeing which Harry Potter task you choose and any other work you do today before your 4 days of holiday 🙂

Day 31 work

Video calls

What a busy day chatting to lots of you! It was great seeing all your smiley faces (and that fabulous outfit Hector!) and hear your news. Always the highlight of my week 💛 Looking forward to chatting to the rest of you tomorrow 🙂

Had my catch up with Kayden too but not on video call so no photo this week.  So I’m still doing well remembering the pictures, yay! 🙂

Your work

Aiyub read one of his phonics stories and answered the comprehension questions

Subhan was working on homophones (words which sound the same but are spelled differently) and he also worked on one of his phonics stores and answered the comprehension questions

Hector was building some towers with his rainbow blocks and discussing the construction of his towers and how to make them more sturdy so they wouldn’t blow 

Kit did his Bug Club comprehension independently this morning and continued with a bit more of his fractions worksheet, watched a programme about restoring a painting, continued building his Lego Disney station, made some naan bread and he and Freddie watched his Uncle Tim who became mayor this afternoon 🙂 

Home School Day 31

Good morning Class 2 💛

I filmed your morning video yesterday when I was in school printing out your new packs so not a live video from this morning today, but you do get to see Class 2 🙂

So here are your 2 PATHS  activities for today (and the next few days) –

  • First, here is the PATHS ‘Be Kind’ challenge. Between now and next Wednesday see how many you can tick off  ✅✅✅

  • We often enjoy a story as part of our PATHS lessons and this book is about worries. We have learned about the feeling worried in PATHS before and quite a lot of people may be feeling worried just now so this is a great book to read and discuss with your parents just like we would do in class.


Looking forward to speaking to lots of you today and getting all your photos this afternoon 🙂

Day 30 work

Rainbow challenge

Thank you to Hector, Subhan and Mariam who took part in the rainbow challenge today, your pictures are great!

Video calls

Fabulous to speak to Bilal and Aiyub today and looking forward to speaking to lots more of you tomorrow 🙂

Your work

Subbhan was working out loads of money calculations today, well done! 

Hector was hugging some trees this afternoon – an activity which some research shows could help you feel better – and exploring outside

Kit read his reading book this morning, did some fractions sums and went for a run 

Mariam made a cool drawing of this tomato man!

Home School Day 30

Good morning Class 2 💛

There has been quite a bit of rain over the last few days so today’s challenge is rainbow themed 🌈

Here is my rainbow 🙂 I found 4 of each colour but you can find as many as you like!

Can’t wait to see your rainbow pictures later today. The blog will be so colourful 🙂

Bug Hotel

Here is a fun lesson on making a bug hotel which I watched yesterday. This was shared as part of Scottish Learning Disability week as a great sensory inspired art activity by a lady named Caroline.

Lots of you are lucky to have a garden or green space at your house or live near a park so when you are out for your daily exercise see what things you can find and have a go at making a bug hotel of your own in a plant pot or even an old yoghurt carton!

Posted by Caroline Hill on Monday, May 18, 2020

Day 29 work

Your weekend photos

Thank you to those of you who sent your weekend photos, it is so nice for your friends to see what you’ve been up to 🙂

Mariam went to Asda and the new B&M store with her family and they bought lots of lovely new things!


Kit did the postbox challenge on his bike at the weekend and made a time lapse video of an indoor assault course 

Your work

Aiyub completed some money calculations for his maths work today and also did some comprehension work on his ‘ar’ phonics booklet


Kit read some of his book in Bug Club, completed a maths worksheet on alendars and some   and wrote his weekend news and emailed it to me 

Subhan completed lots of maths worksheets today some on addition, subtraction, totalling coins and working out change

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