Day 27 work

Blog comments

Remember to be looking in the comments on each blog post to see messages from your friends and staff at St Albert’s. You can also leave messages for your friends to help stay in touch which is so important just now while we are apart.

You received a very lovely compliment on ‘Day 26 work’ so go and have a look at who (apart form me!) thinks you are fabulous πŸ™‚ Huzaifa got a well deserved special mention but it’s a fabulous compliment for the whole class too!

Video calls

Lovely to speak with Kit and Hector today and hopefully chat to Kayden tomorrow. Still on a roll with the photos! πŸ™‚

Your work

Hector has a Lego day and made this very cool boat

Kit did some maths on Sumdog, worked on some Lego and helped Freddie with his Disney homework showing off his vast knowledge of Disney facts!

Aiyub chose the Mulan song from the Disney challenge and we discussed the comprehension questions together on the phone (well done again Aiyub for choosing some harder questions to challenge yourself!). He also shared some of the maths and literacy work he did for Kumon.

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