Day 14 work

Well what a busy, busy, busy day that was!

New learning packs

I was in school today as you all know, printing out and sorting your new packs of work. It was like a problem solving puzzle sorting everything out but I got there eventually!

All your home learning packs are now complete and these will keep you buy for the next couple of weeks, along with the fun activities you all requested individually – colouring pages, word-searches, calendars, crosswords etc.

Those of you who had already earned 10 points I phoned and you chose your prizes from the box! Well done again 🙂

Some of you already have your new packs as I dropped a few off on the way home. So did Mr Stewart and he is going to drop of the rest tomorrow.

It was very very hard to see you Aiyub, Subhan and Kayden without being able to give you a BIG hug! But SO lovely to see you in real life ♥

Your work

Subhan made a great Leaning Tower of Pillows (which he then collapsed on!), did some work on spelling, worked out some subtraction problems and practiced handwriting for the letter l and L.

Kit doing his maths on Sumdog, looking extremely happy doing his reading, some great teamwork with Freddie to create his Leaning Tower of Pillows and he then needed to nap on them after being so busy! He also researched 2 facts about the Leaning Tower of Pisa – It started to lean when it was being built in the 12th century and they seem to be unsure who the real architect really is.

Hector was learning outside this morning studying and drawing some trees and flowers and having a run at the bowling green, he then worked together with his siblings to create their great  Leaning Tower of Pillows  and then recorded some super interesting facts he learned about the Leaning Tower of Pisa in a book called ‘Mistakes that worked’


Mariam was busy reading her new book on the Bug Club website

Aiyub built this very cool car which he won from the prize box!


Remember to be sending me photos of your learning and what you are up to at home each day. The more photos I get the more likely you are to be able to win points  and be able to choose a prize!

A reminder that tomorrow (Friday) up until 3pm is your last chance to win the Sumdog points this week  and I will also be giving out a point for Bug Club so try to finish your book online and maybe do some of the quizzes and games there are there.

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