Day 11 work

Lots of you have been busy getting back to work today, well done! πŸ™‚

Today I have given everyone a point who has sent me photos/recordings of their work or their holiday photos, a point to everyone who logged on successfully to Bug Club and a point to those of you who managed to write your news.

I’m sending you videos of me giving you your points as I do it to keep track, so if you think you need a point for something and I haven’t sent you a video please let me know!

Holiday photos & videos

Hector’s holiday news photos πŸ™‚ He was in his garden a lot, cut and whittled a big stick into a wizard’s staff, played Top Trumps, bounced on the trampoline, did a virtual Covid19 run with his dad over 24hours in the park, cycled to Pollok park with mum going on mountainΒ bike paths, had a chalk walk and left messgaes outside Kit and Aiyub’s houses and played computer games online with Aiyub.


Subhan sent some videos from his holiday to share with you πŸ™‚

Kit’s holiday news photos πŸ™‚Β  He made some slow cooker fudge and home made wraps, played Trivial Pursuit, did some indoor sunbathing, did lots of scooting and cycling, did and experiment using fingerprints, tried out 3 different types of jam, completed the Pepsi challenge, planted seeds, had a lovely surprise visit from their friends that they spotted out of their window and went walking in the rain and the sun.

Your work

Hector watched ‘Some Good News’ and helped his sister with a Magic Cauldron maths game – it looks fun!Β 

Subhan wrote this excellent & very long holiday news, drew a cool picture of the evil Joker, did some phonics work, practiced writing the letter i and I and worked on writing out the patterns for the 13 and 14 times tables.


Aiyub logged onto Bug Club and then sent me voice recordings of him reading his new book! I then sent a video back with some help on some of the trickier words like how to say them and what they mean, this was a great new way of ‘doing reading’!

Kit did a reading comprehension activity he had from before the holiday, practiced some maths on Sumdog and wrote his holiday news, with some nice neat writing!

Kayden worked very hard to finally login to Bug Club and was rightly very pleased with himself when he got in! He was also concentrating hard on Sumdog doing some maths.

I’ve not had any photos yet but Huzaifa and Ivo also managed to log into their Bug Club account, so well done to them too!

Fantastic first day back Class 2, I am very proud as always πŸ™‚

2 thoughts on “Day 11 work”

  1. Subhan your garden looks like a great place to spend the holiday. It is so big! Well done with the 13 and 14 times tables. That looked hard!

    Kit the slow cooker fudge looks tasty. Did you like it? Which Jam tastes the best? Did you like Pepsi or Coca-cola better?

    Aiyub it was nice talking to you today!

    Kayden great job with the reading and sumdog.

    Ivo, Bilal, Miriam, Housaifa hope you had a nice holiday.

    Does anyone else in class 2 play Roblox?

    1. What a lovely comment to all your Class 2 friends Hector πŸ™‚ Kit’s fudge did look super tasty, that was the first thing I said when I got the photo too! It would be lovely if some more of you could play Roblox together online, great idea.

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