Easter holidays!

I know some of you are feeling a variety of uncomfortable feelings about the Easter holiday as it is going to be so different to normal. It is OK to feel like that and lots of people do feel like that just now, adults as well as children.

However, we talk about differences a lot in Class 2 and we know that different does not mean bad, and in fact is a really good thing.  🙂

Here is a little holiday message from me to you –


Social stories

I have gathered some social stories which help explain why, although it may be frustrating, especially on our holidays, it’s important to stay indoors as much as possible over the next 2 weeks.

A short one page social story about favourite places being closed and staying home 


A social story about the Easter Holidays being different this year and what you can and can’t do

A PATHS story with things you can still do and about the importance of talking about your feelings


This is a wordless story book about good and bad days during lockdown. There are some short stories at the end of the book explaining each set of pictures but these are good visuals to discuss

Some activities for the Easter holidays

The most important thing to do in the holidays is rest. It has been a tricky few weeks adjusting to lots of changes so your body will want to rest and relax. Mine certainly does 🙂

You can still do all your favourite inside activities like watching movies, reading, playing games, singing, dancing, drawing etc.

I have found a few things you may want to try to keep you busy too.

Scavenger hunts

Firstly some scavenger hunts as you all enjoyed the one earlier this week so much!

I will be having a go at some of these too, like looking for the outdoor things when I go outside for exercise and I’m looking forward to having time to read lots of books : )

 Art activities

I know you all love art and doing painting and colouring in are really relaxing activities. Here are a few other art ideas you could try –

Using cotton buds to make a dot design or a pattern like we have done before in Class 2


Using your old egg box, and straws if you have any, to make some lovely Spring flowers

Or use your egg boxes to make some spring animals!


Some other ways you could make some spring flowers with things you maybe have in your house

On the sunny days you can try some shadow art (I particularly like the Lion King one!)

You can try some chalk art outside on your pavement when you have your daily time outside

Just like Hector and his family did last weekend 🙂

Science experiments

Lots of you really enjoy doing experiments both in school and at home, so here are some experiments you can try in your house if you have permission from your parents. **Some will require an adult to help keep you safe.**

Calming activities

It is likely we will all feel sad or angry at some point over the holiday and remember all these feelings are OK, even though they are uncomfortable.

We discuss feelings lots on the Class 2 couch and can almost always make things better by problem solving together using our PATHS skills , so try to do this at home too.

Here are some different things you could try to help you feel calm or discuss your feelings.


What ever you do, please enjoy the break, do things you love, stay safe and take loads of photos for me to see when school starts back on Monday 20th April. Looking forward to seeing you all already : )

Lots of love

Miss Hewitt

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