Day 3 work

Blog comments

You may or may not have noticed that Mr Stewart and Mrs Crosbie left comments on our blog for you! Thank you both for checking in to see all of Class 2’s fab work 🙂

If you have a look at the ‘Day 2 work’ post you will see comments at at the side (as shown in the picture below) If you click on this you will be able to see what they have said and reply yourself, either to Mr Stewart or Mrs Crosbie or leave a message for your friend. This is great practice of your typing skills!


Video calls

I spoke to some of you today on Facetime which was LOVELY 🙂 Those of you who I never got to speak to today I’m going to call tomorrow, I have arranged this with your parents.

I was so excited speaking to you that I kept forgetting to get screen shot photos with you all, when I phone you again please remind me to take a photo! Mariam and I did take this great screenshot selfie when we were chatting, wasn’t she looking beautiful 🙂

Work photos

Lots of fabulous photos of work again today. Thank you so much and please keep sending them to me.


Subhan – working on some times tables, different spellings for the phonic ee, making a great picture of turtle and adding his feelings, filling in his wellness tracker for Tuesday and sending me some funny selfie photos to cheer me up! Thanks again Subhan, you are so thoughtful 🙂

Aiyub – Loving working on his maths (I will tell Miss O’Donnell!), as it is Wednesday doing some phonics thinking about the different ee spellings and making a drawing for PATHS.

Hector – watching  loads of learning things like news round, live science from the Science Centre and a WW2 history video, watching  a show about designing houses and  then drawing his own (this looks amazing Hector, you could be an architect when you are older!), doing some maths worksheets, handwriting practice for the letter b/B and completing his PATHS drawing (thanks also to Halina who joined in this task and drew her feelings too)


Kit – worked very hard on his phonics and maths this morning and then this afternoon created his PATHS picture and found a Bible story on YouTube. Great job sticking to the timetable again Kit!

Bilal – as well as speaking to Bilal on Facetime today I also got my first photos from him of this fabulous drawing he made and the news he wrote in his home school diary. It is important to keep doing some writing so that your hand doesn’t forget what to do, great job Bilal! Please keep sending me photos 🙂

Points Chart

So as promised I will award a point for one PATHS picture. It was very very hard to choose but I have chosen……. Kit! Well done Kit 🙂

Kit said his feeling was excited which was very interesting. I’m not sure why but my guess is because he is speaking to Miss Hewitt tomorrow morning 🙂 Very nice drawing of Turtle too, Kit. 

Hector you also did a lovely drawing of Turtle and said you were feeling happy which made me feel happy as well 🙂 I’m also happy you asked Halina to join in the activity with you! Halina told us in her picture she was feeling happy, worried and scared. A mixture of comfortable and uncomfortable just like Miss Hewitt.

Subhan you worked on the drawing with mum which was lovely and said you were feeling happy, proud and hopeful. That was nice that they were all comfortable feelings 🙂

Aiyub you drew a very cool looking controller for your picture and had a mixture of feelings like happy, proud and sad. I know when I spoke to you were happy, sad because you were missing your friends and proud that you were doing so well with your work.

Great job from everyone who did this task!

I’m giving everyone who I speak to on Facetime a point, so those of you that never got your point today for this will get it tomorrow.

Lots more points to be awarded before the end of the week too. One will be for the most Sumdog time logged this week. Here is how the graph looks so far….Hector, Bilal and Subhan are who you have to beat!

Have a nice night and I’ll see you tomorrow 🙂

Home School Day 3

Good morning!

I am in school again for your video message this morning. Click on the link below to see my message –

Below is a link to a short rhyming story about Coronavirus that you can read with an adult or by yourself before making your PATHS drawing. It is about a dog who is feeling worried.

As Wednesday is normally phonics day  too, you could look out and write down the rhyming words in your jotter or discuss this with an adult.

Some of the rhyming words have the same sound and spelling like home & alone (both have split oa sound) but some have the same sound and different spellings like too & flu.


I will pick one PATHS piece of work today to award a point to and will announce who that is later this afternoon. So, if you would like to, please send me your photo of your PATHS drawing like the one I made in the video and an explanation of what you’ve drawn and why.


One last link for today is something a Class 2 mum sent me. At 10 am today Giggle n Grow is showing a fun 10 minute dance/exercise video so you can join in at home if you’d like. The mum who sent me this link appears in video so I won’t tell you who it is so you can see if you can spot them!

*This is a Facebook page so you would need to get your parents to log in for you.*


Day 2 work

Well done to Subhan who was the first person to correctly answer the question I asked from the task in today’s video! The book I took the adjectives, nouns and verbs from was indeed Flat Stanley in Space 🙂

You can have a point, Subhan! I thought it would be nice for you all to still have the chance to earn points for your great work at home, so I made a home school points chart to keep track of these. You can choose your prizes from the box when you get back to school!

I have also givens point to Kit, Hector, Subhan and Aiyub for sending me photos of their work over the past 2 days. Well done and thank you for this.

Remember you can text, WhatsApp or email me any photos you have to share on the blog. My email is


Some of what Subhan has been working on today – practicing his times tables, working on spelling the different ai phonics, and doing some more mindful colouring.  I’m so pleased to see you’re keeping your wellness tracker updated  too and I loved the voice message you sent on your mum’s WhatsApp to ask how I was doing 🙂 

Fabulous effort from Hector today completing loads of learning tasks! He checked in on the blog, watched a science video, did some maths games on the hundred square just like we do during mental maths, built a den and measured it, went for a run and did some handwriting (beautiful a letters!)

Aiyub has been continuing with his phonics booklet and  doing some 2 digit multiplication, great!

Kit being a superstar doing some of the reading comprehension I sent home! Also, some appraising his brothers garage band composition, listening to a story, doing HTU addition, doing some sit ups and exercising outside for P.E and reading about Harriet Tubman for topic.

Delighted to get our first pictures from Huzaifa today! He’s been working on quick recall of his times tables without using his multiplication square. (I’ll add you a point to the chart too!)

Already looking forward to seeing what we will all be doing tomorrow. Have a lovely relaxing evening.

Miss Hewitt 










Home School Day 2

Good morning! Here is another message for you on our 2nd day of school from home.  Looking forward to seeing the things you send me today 🙂

Here is a photo of the task I did this morning for the video. I looked in the first couple of chapters of a book that we read together in school and made a list of some of the nouns, verbs and adjectives I saw. Here is the list, can you guess which book it is from???

Fabulous work so far from the best class in St Albert’s :)

What a weird day this has been…

I was in school until about lunch time and then working from home this afternoon. Tomorrow I will be working from home before going back into school on Wednesday. It was very weird being in school with no pupils and hardly any staff! Missed you all.

I know some of you are finding it tricky doing your school work at home but you are also doing a great job finding learning tasks to keep you busy. I know because some of you have been sending me photos of your fabulous work 🙂

I will share these photos each day so you can see what your friends are up to. If you see this and want to send me photos of your own work then you can get your mum or dad to email, text or whats app photos.

Kit doing some fabulous yoga making sure he’s keeping fit, writing his news in his home school diary and doing some maths work (Miss McCue is impressed!)

Well done to Subhan who created a rainbow picture like Miss Hewitt to put in his window 🙂 He also completed some mindful colouring and maths work

Hector watching some science, doing a bit of report writing, finding places in the world and following a drawing lesson. I also spotted the lovely rainbow already in your window – fab!

Aiyub looking happy writing some news in his home school diary, doing some maths and some phonics work 🙂

Mr Stewart dropped off Bilal’s pack of work as he wasn’t in school on Friday. Did you find the special surprise in your pack Bilal?! 

I am so impressed with all the hard work you’ve been doing on your first day! Well done everyone. Please keep sending me photos, I love seeing what you are up to and it helps me miss you a tiny bit less 🙂


Home School Day 1 – message from Miss Hewitt

Hi Class 2

It is weird being in school today knowing I will not see you all later. Missing you all lots already! Recorded you a wee message with another learning task to keep you busy at home 🙂

Here is a news link about the rainbows that people are making which you can read with an adult to give you some ideas –

Miss Hewitt


Note to parents – Please don’t feel pressured to complete all the learning tasks set on the blog (or that were sent home in the pack), these are just to give you some different ideas to help keep your children learning and entertained.


P.E learning tasks for the week ahead

Hi Class 2!

In addition to the links for yoga and meditation in your learning packs I wanted to share this activity with you.

Here is a link for Joe Wicks who is going to be running FREE online PE lessons for out of school kids on his You Tube channel. His live classes will be on at 9am very weekday. A great active way to start your school day this coming week 🙂

Any physical activity you do to keep your body and mind active is great, it doesn’t have to be this.

Post any photos or videos of you doing these lessons, or any other P.E, in the comments or tweet them to @StAlbertsG41

Learning websites

A lot of maths learning can be done digitally if you have access to computers. Here is a list of websites/games that we use in class that your children are used to –

Sumdog – your child already has login details for this website with lots of different maths games.

In case you have lost the details here they are again –

Aiyub – AB723212    Password  – storm93

Bilal – BS406858   Password – stone89

Hector – HM340878    Password – house41

Huzaifa – HN340879   Password – grass29

Ivo – IC310374   Password – storm25

Kayden – KB484000   Password – paper62

Kit – KD483999   Password – plant34

Mariam – MR574750   Password – plant55

Subhan – SG511657   Password – sleep54

Thousand square that your child can use to do various counting games we do in school  –

Maths magician quick mental addition game –

Maths magician quick mental subtraction game –

Mental maths train to practice adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing at various different levels –

Hit the button to practice a variety of sums at speed –

Coconut multiples to practice counting in 2s, 5s etc –

Balloon pop ordering numbers –

Basketball place value

Stop the clock for matching analogue and digital times –


These websites are not just for maths but have great learning activities in them –

Doorway Online – lots of sounds and spelling work as well as some maths activities

Doorway Speller

ICT games – various maths and literacy games to practice phonics spelling, reading etc

BBC Bitesize – great videos on educational topics such as science, history and geography

Top Marks – this has loads of maths games some of which I’ve linked above but have an explore and find some more you like!

Floyd Danger Adventure – a website we have been using to practice complete sentences



Home learning packs explained

As you will be aware the schools close to pupils today. For the 2 weeks between now and the Easter holidays the children have been issued with a pack of work and various activities to keep them busy.

Children who are at school today will take their packs home with them and those who are currently absent can arrange for these packs to be collected from school (as long as you’re not self isolating) or delivered next week.

I will explain what is in the pack here and in another post links to a variety of learning websites we use in class that the children are used to and can work on independently to allow you mums and dads some time to yourself 🙂

  • Home learning activities sheet – you can pick and choose from these as appropriate. I will award a point for the person who completes the most between now and Easter (photographic evidence required!)

Health and wellbeing tasks –

  • a wellbeing tracker grid to monitor exercise, sleep, healthy eating etc
  • Yoga and meditation activities (an online links page and a sheet that can be used if you do not have access to videos online)
  • some mindful colouring sheets (good for quiet time)

Literacy tasks –

  • short texts with reading comprehension questions (we are currently unable to send home reading books)
  • handwriting practice worksheets (make sure to follow the direction of the letter)
  • a phonics spelling booklet looking at the different long vowel sounds
  • a jotter for keeping your out of school diary (task on the home learning sheet)

Maths tasks-

  • various worksheets practicing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as appropriate
  • you already have sumdog login details but I will share these again
  • various maths games (links to follow)
  • some children who attend maths in other classes will have other activities and should keep a check on their mainstream class blog for any additional tasks

Please share comments, photos and videos of your learning on the blog. This will be a nice way for the children to keep in touch with their friends.

If you are unsure about anything please just ask! My email is

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