Day 3 work

Blog comments

You may or may not have noticed that Mr Stewart and Mrs Crosbie left comments on our blog for you! Thank you both for checking in to see all of Class 2’s fab work πŸ™‚

If you have a look at the ‘Day 2 work’ post you will see comments at at the side (as shown in the picture below) If you click on this you will be able to see what they have said and reply yourself, either to Mr Stewart or Mrs Crosbie or leave a message for your friend. This is great practice of your typing skills!


Video calls

I spoke to some of you today on Facetime which was LOVELY πŸ™‚ Those of you who I never got to speak to today I’m going to call tomorrow, I have arranged this with your parents.

I was so excited speaking to you that I kept forgetting to get screen shot photos with you all, when I phone you again please remind me to take a photo! Mariam and I did take this great screenshot selfie when we were chatting, wasn’t she looking beautiful πŸ™‚

Work photos

Lots of fabulous photos of work again today. Thank you so much and please keep sending them to me.


Subhan – working on some times tables, different spellings for the phonic ee, making a great picture of turtle and adding his feelings, filling in his wellness tracker for Tuesday and sending me some funny selfie photos to cheer me up! Thanks again Subhan, you are so thoughtful πŸ™‚

Aiyub – Loving working on his maths (I will tell Miss O’Donnell!), as it is Wednesday doing some phonics thinking about the different ee spellings and makingΒ a drawing for PATHS.

Hector – watchingΒ  loads of learning things like news round, live science from the Science Centre and a WW2 history video, watchingΒ  a show about designing houses andΒ  then drawing his own (this looks amazing Hector, you could be an architect when you are older!), doing some maths worksheets, handwriting practice for the letter b/B and completing his PATHS drawing (thanks also to Halina who joined in this task and drew her feelings too)


Kit – worked very hard on his phonics and maths this morning and then this afternoon created his PATHS picture and found a Bible story on YouTube. Great job sticking to the timetable again Kit!

Bilal – as well as speaking to Bilal on Facetime today I also got my first photos from him of this fabulous drawing he made and the news he wrote in his home school diary. It is important to keep doing some writing so that your hand doesn’t forget what to do, great job Bilal! Please keep sending me photos πŸ™‚

Points Chart

So as promised I will award a point for one PATHS picture. It was very very hard to choose but I have chosen……. Kit! Well done Kit πŸ™‚

Kit said his feeling was excited which was very interesting. I’m not sure why but my guess is because he is speaking to Miss Hewitt tomorrow morning πŸ™‚ Very nice drawing of Turtle too, Kit.Β 

Hector you also did a lovely drawing of Turtle and said you were feeling happy which made me feel happy as well πŸ™‚ I’m also happy you asked Halina to join in the activity with you! Halina told us in her picture she was feeling happy, worried and scared. A mixture of comfortable and uncomfortable just like Miss Hewitt.

Subhan you worked on the drawing with mum which was lovely and said you were feeling happy, proud and hopeful. That was nice that they were all comfortable feelings πŸ™‚

Aiyub you drew a very cool looking controller for your picture and had a mixture of feelings like happy, proud and sad. I know when I spoke to you were happy, sad because you were missing your friends and proud that you were doing so well with your work.

Great job from everyone who did this task!

I’m giving everyone who I speak to on Facetime a point, so those of you that never got your point today for this will get it tomorrow.

Lots more points to be awarded before the end of the week too. One will be for the most Sumdog time logged this week. Here is how the graph looks so far….Hector, Bilal and Subhan are who you have to beat!

Have a nice night and I’ll see you tomorrow πŸ™‚

3 thoughts on “Day 3 work”

  1. Hi Miriam, It is nice to see you! From Hector and Hector’s mum (Alicia)
    Subhan you look so different! Did you get a haircut? From Hector and Hector’s mum
    Aiyub you also look different without your glasses! I like the drawing of the controller. From Hector and Hector’s mum
    Bilal – Hello from Hector
    Kit – Hi. Do you like Kit Kat’s? From Hector

    1. I love this comment Hector (and Alicia)
      Thank you for typing some messages for your friends in the class. You’re the first person to do this so you can have a point! I will add it to the chart just now πŸ™‚

    2. Hector,
      Subhan tried to reply to your lovely comment but it’s not letting him so he sent me a message with your reply.
      He said thank you to you and your mum for leaving a message and that yes he has had a haircut πŸ™‚

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