This week in P4



In numeracy this week we’ve been learning to compare numbers using the symbols for greater than: >, less than: <, and equal to: =.   It really helped us to remember a simple rule: the arrow always points to the smaller number.  So, 5 is greater than 2 is written 5 > 2.  The arrow is pointing to the 2, because the 2 is the smaller number!

We also thought up lots of different words we can use that mean greater than or less than.  For example, bigger, longer, higher, wider, older, heavier, larger, and more, can all mean ‘greater than’.  Fewer, shorter, lower, narrower, younger, lighter, and smaller could all be used for ‘less than’.

The children really enjoyed playing a dice game to compare numbers as well as working with Ms Newall to answer challenge questions.


In our talk for writing work, we have been learning about the tools that writers use to create a setting description. In our model setting description we found lots of effective tools, including: the power of three, simile, powerful adjectives and verbs, an interesting opener to get the reader’s attention, and description of the weather to create an atmosphere.   We looked at how we can change key words in the setting description to make a brand new version.  Next week, the children will begin creating their own new setting descriptions using the tools they’ve learned.

Health and Wellbeing

Each day every class in St Albert’s has a ‘Pupil of the Day’ as part of our new PATHS programme.  Every child will have a turn to be the Pupil of the Day, and the children are selected randomly each morning.  We have loved celebrating our star pupil, who gets to sit in a spangly chair all day, and receives some lovely compliments.  The children have done so well to give meaningful and genuine compliments to one another – for example praising talents in art, being a kind and loyal friend, and always working hard!

Other learning:

A highlight of our week was watching the beautiful film ‘Eleven’, starring Class 2’s Isaac and his Mum, Phil.  The children asked some incredibly mature questions about the film, and learned a great deal.  They were impressed by Isaac’s great sense of humour and how he copes with the challenges in his day-to-day life.  Many of the children made connections between Isaac’s home life and their own – for example how he plays with and argues with his baby sister!





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