Ali’s Lockerbie Manor Recount

When we arrived at Lockerbie Manor we all clapped and cheered, we were so pleased to be there. Our first instructor was called Shaun.  He told us where the fire escapes were and then he told us to get ready.

We got ready and went to Shuan, who said, “we’re going to do rock climbing!” Then Yahya said, “I’m not doing that!” I think he was a bit scared. Then we got to the climbing wall and we climbed it, it was huge!  After that we did a couple of activities, including paddle boarding.  That was the one I hated because we needed to use our hands to paddle and the water was so cold.  It was like snow and ice!  It was hard to stay balanced on the board.

In our room at night I had a party with Aman, Muzzy, Bilal, Abdullah and Awais. We had lots of snacks and it was really fun.

On the last day we did archery. I got a bullseye!  I felt very proud of myself.  I enjoyed Lockerbie Manor so much I didn’t want to come home.  I would love to go again.

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