Daily Archives: March 14, 2017

Outdoor games

For Golden Time some of P7 are taking part in outdoor games with pupils from other upper school classes, Ms Newall and Mrs McLaughlin. Last week was especially fun.  For one of the games we had to pass a hoop round the circle while holding hands. Some ingenious methods were used; my favourite was Muzzammil’s body-flip technique!

Places of Worship Visit

Below are some photos from our visit to Glasgow Cathedral last week. We joined up with Ibrox Primary Sevens for the day to see the Cathedral, Central Gurdwara and Central Mosque.  We learned that the cathedral is one of Glasgow’s oldest buildings and houses the tomb of St Mungo.  Inside, the stonework is very impressive – we were marvelling at how such buildings were made without modern machinery to help!

In the Gurdwara we all had to remove our shoes and cover our heads.  We were shown round the beautiful building and learned a little about the practises of the Sikh faith.  For example, Sikhs bow to their holy book, Guru Granth Sahib.  After our tour we were treated to traditional sweets, fruit and nuts.  Our guide explained that you can come to the Gurdwara at any time and will be given a vegetarian meal, so long as you cover your head and remove your shoes.

Finally at the Mosque our guide explained some of the rules and practises, such as how women worship separately from men, and that Muslims must wash with pure water before entering to pray, to ensure they are clean.  He also told us a little of the history of the Mosque, which was opened in 1984.  Inside the Mosque was very quiet and peaceful; it was a lovely place to end our trip.

All in all it was a very interesting trip and enjoyable trip!