Weekly Information – 6th September 2024

Neurodevelopmental Pathway in Fife

The ND Pathway is the route we now use in Fife to support children who might be developing differently from their peers. the pathway puts a focus on support ahead of assessment. If you child has already been referred for an assessment of neurodiversity and it was accepted, they will move onto this pathway. If you have concerns about your child’s development, social skill, communication or learning then you will be interested in finding out more about the ND pathway.

Please click here to read about the new Fife Neurodevelopmental Pathway

We always encourage you to discuss concerns with us at school. We can help you access support and our assessment in school is a key part of any assessment process. We can identify dyslexia and dyscalculia in school following a period of assessment and observation. Other neuro-diversities are identified through the ND pathway. Not every child with a neurodiversity needs an assessment, often putting supports and strategies in place is enough. If you ever have any concerns about your child’s development, please raise them with us and I would strongly recommend you go to one of the upcoming ND Pathway Roadshows.

Please click here to find out about upcoming Roadshows 

Rag Bag Collection

There will be a Rag Bag Collection taking place on 25/09/2024. Please Bring Bags into school the day before the collection date. Thank you  

General Permissions/Annual Data Check

A reminder that if you haven’t already handed in your child’s general permission form and annual data check form to do so as soon as possible. It is important to return them to us every year to make sure your contact details are up to date should we need to contact you in an emergency.

Flu Vaccine

Flu Vaccines will be taking place in school on Monday 30th September

Message from Active Schools

Dear Parent/Carer
We are delighted to inform you that Community use in Partnership with Active Schools will be running a holiday camp across the October Break for pupils in Primary 1 to Primary 7. Our holiday camps support children in having fun, making friends and being physically active.
The camp will take place from the 7th to 11th October, 9:30 to 12:30 at Madras College with a cost of £30 for the week!
In order to improve our service and make the registration process fairer registration for the sessions wont take place until Monday 9th September. In order to book your place please email communityuse.madras@fife.gov.uk on Monday 9th September with the subject heading Madras October Camp and the following information: Childs Full name, Date of birth, your contact email, emergency contact detail, Medical Conditions, Post Code and photo consent. Emails before this time wont be accepted. Community use will then be in touch with you regarding your place and to accept payment.
Here is some feedback your children gave us at our summer camp
👫 93% of children made a new friend at the Summer Camp or from a previous camp.
😌 15% of children were a little or quite anxious about attending the Activity Camp compared to just 1% feeling anxious the next day.
😢 81% of children felt sad or tired when it was time to leave at the end of the day.
If you have any questions please reach out to communityuse.madras@fife.gov.uk
Thank you