Weekly Information – 6th October 2023

Thank you to Parent Council

Parent Council are donating £546 to school fund. This is to cover the P4-6 Seesaw Subscription (Fife Council pay for Nursery-P3), a contribution to the cost of the Pantomime (£200) and to the cost of the P7 Trip to the Scottish Parliament (£100). We are grateful for this support.

You can read the minutes of the Parent Council meet held this week here.

Newport Festival Christmas Cheer (High Street Lights On Event)

P5-7 children are invited to enter this competition over the October holidays. Click here for details: xmascompletter2023

Quiet Playground Clubs

We are looking to extend our quiet playground provision by providing clubs and opportunities for children of all ages.  We are looking for donations of unwanted items to support this. If you have any of the following which you no longer need or want, please hand them in to the school office:

picnic rugs (with waterproof backing)

chess sets

Rubik’s cubes

Lego sets

Top Trumps

Large Cones (to use as goal posts)

There may be other items we need in future depending on ideas raised by the children.

P1-4 Christmas Show

After the holidays, the teachers will begin allocating parts in the Christmas Show. All children who want to will be able to try saying a line or section from the show and many will be chosen for a speaking part. No child will have to have a speaking part if they don’t want to and it may well be the case that more children want a speaking part then will be available but no one need worry! Every child will have an important part to play in the show whether or not they have a speaking part – they will all get a chance to shine on stage.

Youth Music Initiative – Pipe Band Drumming

I am excited to tell you that all P5 children will be learning pipe band drumming. This will start on 26th October and continue for the rest of the school year. It is part of their music curriculum and is fully funded by the Youth Music Initiative.

School Tea Towel

In the first week back after the October holiday, all children will be drawing a self-portrait for the school tea towel. their portrait and first name will be printed on the tea towel. If you want to opt your child out of this, please email lucy.jess@fife.gov.uk by 23rd October to do so. If we don’t hear from you, your child’s picture and name will be included.  There is no obligation to buy.

Save the Date

There will be a P5-7 Basketball Cluster League event on  20th November 2023 @ Madras College 15:30-5:15pm. After the holidays, you will be able to tell us if your child would like to go along and we will pick a team from amongst those who are keen.

Next term will be a busy one, please make sure you have a note of all the dates. Click here to access them.

Tuesday 31st October

– P1-7 children can bring a costume to change into for an afternoon of Halloween Craft and Activities.

– Nursery children can come to nursery in a costume all day, if they would like.

Pantomime Contribution

All children (Nursery – P7) will watch M&Ms production of Cinderella in the school hall on Wednesday 19th December. We are meeting much of the cost of this from school fund plus a generous contribution from Parent Council (who have also offered to purchase a treat for all children). To cover the rest, we are asking for a £4 contribution per child. Please pay this by 19th December using iPayImpact – please choose the fund called School Pantomime. Please don’t send cash but if you have problems accessing iPayImpact, contact Lisa in the office and she will help. If you can’t meet the cost, please email me in confidence to let me know – your child can still attend – no one will miss out!

P1-7 Parent Teacher meetings 

Don’t forget to sign up for your meetings using the details which came by email on Wednesday.

Cafe Inc – free for all in the October Holidays