Weekly Information – 27th October

Pantomime Contribution

All children (Nursery – P7) will watch M&Ms production of Cinderella in the school hall on Wednesday 19th December. We are meeting much of the cost of this from school fund plus a generous contribution from Parent Council (who have also offered to purchase a treat for all children). To cover the rest, we are asking for a £4 contribution per child. Please pay this by 19th December using iPayImpact – please choose the fund called School Pantomime. Please don’t send cash but if you have problems accessing iPayImpact, contact Lisa in the office and she will help. If you can’t meet the cost, please email me in confidence to let me know – your child can still attend – no one will miss out!


Tea Towels and Calendars

Orders need to be in by 9th November

Please use this form to pre-order school calendars:


Please use this form to pre-order Nursery-P3 tea towels:


Please use this form to pre-order P4-7 tea towels:


Playground Snacks

P1-7 parents – please send your child with a playground snack each day.  We recommend fruit, biscuits, crackers, oats bars cheese. One snack is all there is time for. From Monday, there will be a bowl of apples (funded by Parent Council – thank you!) which any child can help themselves to if they have forgotten a snack. Sweets made purely from sugar or sweeteners (Moan, haribo, tic tacs, lollies etc) are not suitable snacks as they do not fill children up and should not be brought to school. Staff will ask children to put these away if they see them with them at playtime – there will be the option to take an apple if this is their only snack. Many thanks for your support.

Family Charity Challenge

When you wish upon a star, are a charity who do amazing work granting wishes for children living with life threatening illnesses. They are looking for families to participate this winter in the Elf Wish Walk campaign to help them raise money. Details of the campaign are here:

Scarlett’s Wish

Elf Wish Walk Information Pack

If your family gets involved – we’d love to hear how you get on with your challenge. It could be a great way to beat the early winter blues!

Thank you to a parent of the school who brought this to my attention.

Cluster Netball

Please find information below from Fife Active Schools on P5-7 cluster netball:

I am delighted to announce that Active Schools in partnership with Saints Sport are once again running our cluster netball session for pupils in P5-7.  Sessions will start on Wednesday 1st November from 4pm-5pm at Madras College for a 4 week block. The last session will take place on Wednesday 22nd November. 
To secure your child’s place please complete the below link. I will be in touch to confirm your child’s space at this club on Monday 30th October. 
Thank you,
Madison Garland 
Active Schools 
P1 Eye Tests
Please see the attached information


P1 Photographs

Thank you for taking part in this year’s First Class feature – we have loved to see all the amazing primary one class photos!   We can let you know that your school’s class photos will feature in paper as follows:

Evening Telegraph – Thursday 2nd November

Courier – Thursday 9th November

Kind Regards

Lorrayne Brown

Newspaper Sales & Marketing Executive. D.C Thomson.