Weekly Information – 19th November 2021

Message from the Laidlaw Music Centre at the University of St Andrews

Here is information about musical opportunities for children in P4 and above: StAMP Choir and Orchestra poster


Is your child interested in a Karate Club?

Details are available here about a new club: Karate – St Andrews


Keeping Warm in School

Due to ongoing Scottish Government Regulations, we need to keep the building well ventilated. We now have CO2 monitors in school to help us do this more effectively. The CO2 monitors show us when more fresh air is needed and when windows can be closed somewhat to keep heat in. But it is still the case that we sometimes need windows open to an extent that the temperature is lower than it would have been without these regulations being in place. We also make greater use of the outdoors e.g. when the weather allows, P4-7 Assembly is held out of doors as the group is too big to gather in the hall. Please help us to help the children stay warm in school time. I recommend all children wear long trousers or tights to school (no bare legs please) and that your child wear a school jumper and brings an additional jumper or fleece to wear over the top if needed (they are allowed to wear this in class as an additional layer). Please also send them with a warm, waterproof coat each day. If their coat doesn’t have a hood, please send them with a hat.   If they don’t have a coat and something to cover their hair, they may get cold or a little damp at playtime and then find it hard to warm up afterwards if the classroom is cooler.  I don’t want any child to be cold or uncomfortable at school and I am grateful for your support in sending them with the correct clothes to help me with that.


Christmas Arrangements

Ongoing Scottish Government Regulations do not allow us to have the whole school together in a space or to invite parents into school for events but we will be keeping the Christmas spirit alive with a Christmas Lunch,  Craft, Parties and a Concert (which will be shared virtually with you to enjoy at home). More details will follow. If any parent is interested to read the Schools’ Covid Regulations, it is available here.