Pupil Attendance

Please use the link below to access our whole school Attendance Policy.

Pupil attendance policy – Feb 23

Attendance and Punctuality

Regular attendance at school and nursery is something we place high importance on.  We know and understand that children and families will become unwell and will sometimes need time off to recover and get well again.  In these cases please contact the school office to let us know if your child is unwell and will be absent from school or nursery.

Positive attendance and arriving on time have a huge impact on the wellbeing of our children and their ability to settle into nursery and school routines and learning.  In order to get the best experience possible our children need to be here on time and to attend as much as possible.

Our most recent attendance figures show a decrease in attendance between September and December 2023.

P1 – P7 September 2023 attendance = 94.2%

P1 – P7 December 2023 attendance = 89.88%

We expect that over the winter children and families will pick up bugs and viruses and our immune systems will possibly be a little lower.  Hopefully as we approach spring the chances of this will decrease and we can all begin to feel a little more healthy, enjoying fresh air and the outdoors.

Every Moment Matters! In an average school year there are 190 school days. So…

  • If a child has 95% attendance it means they have missed 9 & ½ days or nearly 2 weeks off school.
  • If a child has 90% attendance it means they have missed 19 school days or nearly 4 weeks off school.
  • If a child has 85% attendance it means they have missed 28 and ½ days off school or nearly 5 and ½ weeks off school.
  • If a child has 80% attendance it means they have missed 38 school days or over 7 weeks off school.

Help your child get the most out of their education by helping them come to school every day.




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