
Teacher – Mrs Lukaszewicz




We will be developing our ability to create texts for a variety of purposes. This will include factual writing and news reports using our Solar System topic as a stimulus. We are also looking at extending our use of punctuation and varying our sentence openers to engage our audience.

We will develop skills in note taking, organising these using various layouts. We will also be learning how to acknowledge our sources.



We will revise spelling rules and patterns which will help us when spelling trickier/unfamiliar words while learning new rules to aid our spelling too.

We will be learning specialist vocabulary linked to our topic.



We will be finding, selecting and sorting information from a variety of sources.

We will be learning to read and highlight the key words and points for our own notes. We will then use these notes to create our own texts.



We will be discussing the main ideas of texts we have heard. Our main focus this term is on selecting suitable vocabulary for our audience to create a personal presentation on one of the planets in our solar system.


Numeracy and Mathematics


We will be focusing on place value including ordering and rounding to develop our understanding of number, applying this to increasingly larger numbers.

We will also be working on solving addition and subtraction problems using both written and mental strategies.

We will continue to focus on our times tables and work on developing our problem-solving skills to solve various types of word problems.



We will be learning about the nets of 3D shapes and looking at the circumference, diameter and radius of a circle. We will also be working on various aspects of symmetry.



 Health and Wellbeing


Our PE days are every 2nd Tuesday afternoon and every Friday morning.

Our focus for this term is fitness.



We will be looking at kindness, friendship & respect while learning the language of emotions and how to express ourselves in a positive manner.

We will be using Emotion Works and Treehouse resource to support us in this.






Our Topic will be about…

The Solar System

We will be exploring the differences between primary and secondary sources of information to evaluate which types of evidence are the most reliable.

We are going to be discussing some of the space events that have happened in our lifetime through our exploration of the history of travel into space.

Part of this study will involve identifying important figures linked to space.









Useful websites 


Sumdog: https://www.sumdog.com/en/

Topmarks: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/



Spell Zone: https://www.spellzone.com/ 

Spell Training: https://www.spellingtraining.com/


TOPIC: https://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/solar-system/353789










Homework will go out on a Wednesday and is due for return the following Monday.





CLAN McLean (Creativity, Leadership, Ambition & Nurture)

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