
Teacher – Miss Docherty

McLean Primary School

Terms 1 & 2 – Learning Overview for Primary 2/3




Children will continue to work on sentence structure and developing their awareness of punctuation. They will also be learning to identify nouns, verbs and adjectives and add them into their writing. The children will be looking at making their own Mythical Creatures Fact Files and be able to label some simple drawings and make notes in appropriate sections (primary 3).




Children will continue to recap their initial phonics sounds and diagraphs. They will begin to work on initial consonant blends. Children will be encouraged to use these sounds for writing and reading.

We will revise some of the trickier phonics sounds and diagraphs from last year to encourage accurate spelling of common words. Children will be encouraged to use these sounds to improve their reading and writing.  Some children will move onto set spelling patterns and will work on target spelling words each week, tackling some spelling rules to support their independent writing.




Children will continue to learn sight words by practising their word walls. By reading stories aloud in their reading groups, they will practise using punctuation to make their reading sound natural. They will be encouraged to add expression to bring their stories to life. We will have regular visits to the school library so that pupils can learn to recognise books that they can enjoy reading. As a class we will be reading the novel The Water Horse by Dick King-Smith to link with our topic on mythical creatures.





Children will continue to develop their listening skills when listening for information to add to their fact files. They will present their fact files to each other and discuss what they have written about.




Children will be counting, ordering, reading and writing numbers in hundreds and thousands (primary 3).  Developing their understanding of place value, including increasing and decreasing by tens and ones. Children will then work on the role of zero to represent numbers to 1000 using a range of concrete materials and resources.

Children will also continue to develop their skills within addition and subtraction targets (multiplication and division for primary 3).  We will work on written number sentences and say or write numeracy sentences to match the meaning of the problem.




Many of our mathematics topics will relate to our topic of ‘mythical creatures’.


The children will investigate the properties of shapes to create a range of creatures and identify shapes in faces and cross sections of objects, primary 3 will focus on 3D shapes and using nets.


Children will recognise the numerals of an analogue clock and relate daily events and historical events to days, months and years.

Symmetry and Angles:

Children will identify symmetry in patterns, pictures and 2D shapes and begin to explore angles in comparison to right angles.






Outdoor PE

Mrs Chalmers will be taking the class for fortnightly PE sessions, working initially on fitness through a variety of games and challenges. Children will learn about the importance of maintaining physical fitness as part of a healthy lifestyle.


Indoor PE

The children will learn to move around the hall in different ways and directions. They will link movements together to create a sequence to perform to their peers. They will also take part in team games to work on participation as a team.



In P2/3 we will be focusing on supporting each other to develop a growth mindset as we settle into our learning. Miss Service will take the class for fortnightly sessions learning about children’s rights as part of our Rights Respecting School accreditation. We will also discuss what feelings are and how we can help each other deal with big emotions.



Mythical Creatures

We will be learning all about mythical creatures from Scotland and beyond. This will challenge pupils to evaluate different types of evidence and decide for themselves to what extent it can be trusted. Children will be encouraged to share their views with the class and learn how to listen respectfully to the opinions of their classmates.  We will learn new vocabulary from a variety of different sources and will use it to describe mythical creatures and their features in fact file format. This learning will be supported with short stories and videos of unicorns, mermaids and giants, as well as our class novel The Water Horse.


As Christmas approaches we will turn our attention to the work of Santa’s elves through the picture book and chapter version of the story ‘The Christmasaurus’ as well as other relevant short stories. With our scientist hats on, we will investigate forces and carry out experiments to learn how toys work.




CLAN McLean (Creativity, Leadership, Ambition & Nurture)

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