
Teacher – Miss McKeever

This session we are continuing to develop our play pedagogy and have made significant changes to our learning environment. Children in P1 and P1/2 are working across three play-based classroom settings and embracing the opportunities to learn through play each day. Mrs Smart and Miss McKeever are working with the children during their play and all adults are involved in observing the children’s play and planning next steps. All children will also work with Mrs Smart and Miss McKeever at the “Teaching Table” for focussed, targeted learning suited to their individual learning needs.

For more information about play please access the following link  ThingLink .



P1 – Children will be using “Foundations for Writing” programme to add details to their pictures before “talking a story”. We will be working on forming all letters in their name correctly and to size. Finally children will be working on writing CVC words using decoding skills and using these skills to write labels and lists.

P2 – Children will be working on weekly handwriting using decoding skills to write lists and labels. They will be working on creating CVCC words and writing simple sentences.


Jolly Phonics

P1 – Children will be learning to recognise and form all initial sounds, using these within their writing and play.

P2 – Children will be working vowel diagraph blends through Jolly Phonics songs and then working on consonant blends to help with independent reading and writing.

Jolly Phonics – Letter Sound Songs for Kids | Jolly Phonics Songs | 42 Letter Sounds Learn with Song (youtube.com)


In primary 1 the children will learn to read words from left to right, blend the initial sounds covered in terms 1 and 2 and practise re-telling stories they have heard or seen.

In primary 2, children will work on their sight word recognition and reading strategies to help with independent reading.

Together we will be using the “Workshop for Literacy” to use books as a stimulus for all areas of literacy. We will retell, sequence and finish stories as part of this.

Tricky words

All children will be introduced to word walls for the “Story World” reading scheme. They will also be working through “Frys 100 High Frequency words”. Fry Sight Words – 1-100 (educationoutside.org)


In primary 1, the focus for talking and listening is to listen and respond to instructions, to take turns in talking and listening to each other and joining in with songs and rhymes.

In primary 2 the children will be developing their questioning skills and asking and answering relevant questions related to texts they have listened to or watched.

Numeracy and Mathematics


P1 – Number recognition and formation for 0-20 using the Communication for All number rhymes.

P2 – Recognising, forming and using numbers to 100.

All children will work on the skills of sequencing, ordering and partitioning. We will be working on understanding chance and uncertainty.

All children will develop addition and subtraction strategies and use a range of strategies to support them both during teaching table activities and during play.

Number Formation Rhyme Cards (communication4all.co.uk)



We will be learning to recognise all 2D and 3D shapes using these to make models and pictures. We will be able to sort them for criteria and recognise them in our environment.

P2 children will be learning the vocabulary surrounding these shapes and be able to recognise their features.


We will be learning what makes something symmetrical through interactive ICT games. We will be using shapes and patterns to make symmetrical pictures and finding symmetry in our environment.

P2 children will work on completing symmetrical pictures.


We will be working on recognising and completing simple patterns. P2 children will be working with more complex patterns and will work on making pattern problems for their friends to solve.


We will be learning about the order of the days, months and seasons in relations to our festivals and celebrations topic.

P1 children will be reading analogue and digital clocks for o’clock times and P2 children will also be thinking about half past times.

Learn to Count with fun Counting Games for KS1 Children (topmarks.co.uk)

 Health and Wellbeing


The children will have gym with Mrs Chalmers every two weeks on a Monday and are focusing on Fitness.

We will have class gym every Wednesday and will focus on the following:

Term 1 – Balance and Movement

Term 2 – Dance


We will be exploring friendships and emotions using the Emotion Works resource and Kitbag resources along side stories, games and songs.

Emotion Works

Iff Kitbag – Welcome

Our Topic will be about…..


Term 1 topic: Senses

We will be learning about the 5 senses through play and experiments. We will be sharing personal experiences and preferences while developing our topic vocabulary.


Term 2 topic: Festivals and Celebrations

We are lucky to have such a diverse and interesting school. We will be learning about different cultures, exploring their religions, celebrations, music and dance.


Outdoor Learning:

Weekly lessons to explore all curricular areas outdoors in our local woodlands and in the quad.


CLAN McLean (Creativity, Leadership, Ambition & Nurture)

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