Hot Meal: Soup of the day, Breaded fish or Salmon fish fingers and chips or Vegetable stir fry with noodles.
Prefect Meeting (Mrs Davidson)
Prefect meeting today at tutor, please register first and come to the Dinnerhall.
S5/S6 EMA Applications 2024/25 (Mrs Cook)
Any S5/6 pupils who may be eligible for EMA can apply on the Fife Council website around the middle of July. If successful, an EMA Learning Agreement will be posted out to your home address. Please complete the form and return to Mrs Cook in the school office. Please note – if you were eligible last year you still have to re-apply.
Extra-Curricular Clubs (Miss Crawford)
Active Schools wish to better understand what extra-curricular activities would spark an interest to you once schools move to half day Fridays. Regular sporting activity can help pupils develop their focus, refresh their perspective and provide a break from every day school life.
Please scan the QR code or use this link and answer as honestly as you can, giving thought to each answer to allow for us to plan extra-curricular best suited to the interest of yourself and your peers.

Maths – Scientific Calculators (Mr Cromb)
Aurora scientific calculators will soon be available to purchase through the school. A message regarding this has been sent out to all parents with a form to complete. This will let me know how many calculators to order from our supplier. If your parent/carer hasn’t completed the form yet please encourage them to do so. Anyone who has already paid via iPayImpact will receive their calculator once they’ve been delivered to the school, I have a list of who has placed an order. You will also be able to pay at the school office as soon as we have the calculators in stock.
Mrs Brown’s club days updates:
Have Lunch with A Hero! (Classics Club)
This is finished now for this term. Thanks so much to all those who attended this year! This club will move to the new day of Wednesdays next session.
PE Lost Property (Mrs Steedman)
If you have lost anything in PE over this academic year, can you please come down to the department and check lost property. We are clearing out all the clothes at the end of term so make sure you come and check before it is taken away.
S4-S6: Apprenticeships and Job Opportunities (Mr McCowan)
There are currently lots of apprenticeship opportunities on the S4 and S5-S6 Year Group Teams pages including:
Welding Apprentices
Engineering Apprentices
Graduate Business Management Apprentices
Graduate Civil Engineering Apprentices
These are fantastic, well-paid opportunities which very few pupils even apply for, so are more than worth an application. I will be regularly updating the Teams pages with job opportunities and apprenticeships, so please have a look or pop into C4 for a chat.
Brass Lessons (Mr Letham)
Lessons are on today in the Music department.
Woodwind Lessons (Ms Kelso)
Lessons are on today in the Music department.
Wind Band (Mrs Duckett)
Wind band will run today at lunchtime in the Music department.
KHS Radio Show on K107FM (Dr Murray)
We present a weekly show on Kirkcaldy’s radio station, K107FM every Saturday morning. You could be involved, even if you’re never available on a Saturday! We meet every Friday in A4 (Dr Murray’s room in Science) to plan the show. Come along and bring your lunch! See Dr M for a lunch/building pass.
KHS D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) Group (Dr Murray/Miss Collins)
The KHS D&D Group meets in D2 (Home Ec) every Friday after school. Take part in exciting adventures and storytelling. It’s all up to the fate of the dice!
Hot Meal: Soup of the day, Macaroni cheese with garlic bread or Chicken fried rice with curry sauce.
Mental Health Ambassadors (Mrs Steedman)
Mental Health Ambassador meeting in B15 at lunchtime.
Percussion Lessons (Mr Christie)
Lessons are on today in the Music department.
Chess Club (Dr Black)
Chess club runs Monday lunchtimes in A6, 1:10-1:40pm. Beginners to Grand masters welcome. Collect a lunchtime pass from Dr Black if you would like to come along.
Anime and Manga Club (Miss Kelsey)
Anybody interesting in watching, drawing, and/or reading anime and manga, can now attend the anime and manga club every Monday lunchtime in B29.