Hot Meal: Soup of the day, Breaded fish or Salmon fish fingers and chips or Mediterranean frittata.
SQA Exams (Mrs Davidson)
From Mon 22 April, the LRC is out of bounds to all pupils before school/interval and lunchtime. You cannot access the printer in the LRC either during the day so you need to use printers in another department. Please be respectful when moving around the school as other venues are used too e.g. D11, IT Hub. Remember this could be you doing exams and any noise/disruption can be upsetting to pupils sitting exams.
Crochet Club (Mx Donaldson)
Crochet club is cancelled today but will be on as usual next week.
Have Lunch with a Hero! (Classics Film Club)
Can Perseus save the world from the evil Cronos? It’s more than likely! All are welcome to come and see Wrath of the Titans at Classics Film club, in C11. Bring your lunch. See me in advance for a pass.

S1 First Chances (Miss Law)
Short meeting at break on Tuesday 7 May in B8 to obtain permission slips for First Chances. If you cannot attend please see me ASAP.
Brass Lessons (Mr Letham)
Lessons are on today in the Music department.
Woodwind Lessons (Ms Kelso)
Lessons are on today in the Music department.
Wind Band (Mrs Duckett)
Wind band will run today at lunchtime in the Music department.
KHS Radio Show on K107FM (Dr Murray)
We present a weekly show on Kirkcaldy’s radio station, K107FM every Saturday morning. You could be involved, even if you’re never available on a Saturday! We meet every Friday in A4 (Dr Murray’s room in Science) to plan the show. Come along and bring your lunch! See Dr M for a lunch/building pass.
KHS D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) Group (Dr Murray/Miss Collins)
The KHS D&D Group meets in D2 (Home Ec) every Friday after school. Take part in exciting adventures and storytelling. It’s all up to the fate of the dice!
Hot Meal: Soup of the day, Pulled pork or pulled jack fruit with rice and pitta bread.
Double Bass/Bass Guitar/Cello Lessons (Ms Radke-da-Silva)
Lessons are on today in the Music department.
LGBT+ Group (Dr Murray)
The LGBT+ Group meets on Tuesday lunchtime in A4 (Dr Murray’s room in Science). It is a social space open to EVERYONE whether you are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, any other identity, or an ally of the community. See Dr Murray for a pass if you want to come. Bring your lunch!