Hot Meal: Soup of the day, Pulled pork or pulled jack fruit with rice and pitta bread.
Assembly: Carlyle
U14 Football (Mr Mooney)
Meeting in B25 at break today. All selected must attend!
S4/U16 Football (Mr Pennel)
Could all boys who would like to be selected for our Fife Cup semi final please attend a meeting at break today in the boys’ gym.
S1 Yoga Period 3 (Mrs Patton)
Please meet at the dance studio at the start of period 3.
Dance Club (Miss Kirkwood)
Dance club will be cancelled after school today due to a staff meeting.
S1 Football (Mr Pennel)
Training is cancelled today after school due to an all staff meeting after school.
S2 & S3 Netball (Mrs Little)
There is no netball tonight after school due to an all-staff meeting. Please feel free to come to training on Wednesday after school.
S3 Netball (Mrs Little)
S3 netballers can you please come and collect a permission slip for the tournament by the end of the week.
Biology Study Support (Miss McFall)
Biology study support will be on Wednesday next week (instead of Tuesday) due to a staff meeting. It will return back to normal the following week.
“As You Like it” (Ms Bruce)
Following our SOLD OUT performance at the Byre theatre, the cast are going to perform our 30 minute version of “As You Like it” in school on Tuesday 30 January. There will be two performances at 4.15pm and 5.15pm. Tickets are available from Ms Bruce in the Drama Dept and there is a suggested donation of £1. We look forward to seeing you there.
S5/6 Parents’/Carers’ Evening In School on Wednesday 31 January – PEBS (Mrs Noone)
The parent/carer on-line booking system is open. Booking closes at 11:55pm on Monday 29 January.
S6 Yearbooks (Miss Lipton)
Reminder that full payment for the S6 Yearbook should be made before Friday 1 March. These are £20 each… please pay via iPayimpact or at the Office.
Sutton Trust (Mrs Davidson)
Apply now for Sutton Trust Summer School.

Police Scotland Youth Volunteers – Levenmouth (Mr McKay)
Police Scotland Youth Volunteers Levenmouth are now recruiting. This is a great opportunity for anyone looking to build their confidence, make friends and volunteer in the local community. We are looking for young people between 13 and 15 to apply. We meet every Monday evening at Levenmouth Academy, 6pm – 8pm. For more info please visit – Home | psyv. Enquiries and completed application forms to be sent to – PC Cartwright Richard.Cartwright@scotland.police.uk Please click this link for the application form. PSYV Application
KHS Curriculum and School day change proposal – Young People Summary (Mr McKay)
Change of School day:

Summary of changes for year groups
All – Removal of Tutor time
Maths and English changing to 4 periods from 5 periods
A Period of Literacy and Numeracy added
A Period of Rights added
A Period of Music removed
A Period of DET removed
Maths and English changing to 4 periods from 5 periods
A Period of DET removed
A Period of Classics added
Change from – S3 2023/24 – Mat/Eng 5 periods, 4 periods x 5 subjects, 2 x Enrichment, 1PSE,2PE
To – S3/4 2024/25 Proposed – 7 subjects x 4 periods, 2 PE, 1 RME, 1 PSE, 1 Wider Achievement
Change from – S4 2023/24 – Mat/Eng 5 periods, 4 periods x 5 subjects, 2 PE, 1PSE, 1RME, 1 STUDY
To – S3/4 2024/25 Proposed – 7 subjects x 4 periods, 2 PE, 1 RME, 1 PSE, 1 Wider Achievement
Change from – S5/6 2023/24 – 7 periods x 5 subjects
Change to – S5/6 2024/25 Proposed – 5 subjects x 6 periods, 1 RME, 1 PSE, 1 Study Support
Feedback: https://forms.office.com/e/TBhGQne0MY

Double Bass/Bass Guitar/Cello Lessons (Ms Radke-da-Silva)
Lessons are on today in the Music department.
LGBT+ Group (Dr Murray)
The LGBT+ Group meets on Tuesday lunchtime in A4 (Dr Murray’s room in Science). It is a social space open to EVERYONE whether you are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, any other identity, or an ally of the community. See Dr Murray for a pass if you want to come. Bring your lunch!
KHS Glee Choir (Mrs Duckett & Mr Wilkie)
KHS Glee Choir with Mrs Duckett and Mr Wilkie begins today after school, 3:15pm – 4:15pm in E10. No auditions, anyone who is interested in trying out singing in a show choir is welcome! Songs from all musicals – Disney, Rock, Juke-Box, Book, Class covered! Please see Mrs Duckett for more information.
S4-S6 Art & Design and Fashion & Textiles Study Support (Mrs Donaldson)
Runs on Tuesdays, 3:15 – 4:30pm in D15.
N5 Music Study Support (Mrs Clark)
This will run every Tuesday after school, 3:15-4:15pm.
Hot Meal: Soup of the day, Roast chicken or roast quorn fillet in gravy with Yorkshire pudding and mash potato.
Assembly: Oswald
Guitar Lessons (Mr Irwin)
Lessons are on today in the Music department.
National 5 Maths/Apps Study Support (Mr Jones)
Pop along to ask questions, get help with homework or just have a quiet space to study. Every Wednesday lunchtime in B5.
Rights Respecting Schools Group & Ambassadors (Ms Young)
Remember we will be meeting today to work on all the exciting ideas you have come up with, B14 at 1:15pm – come and collect a pass if you don’t already have one.
Guitar Club (Mr Irwin)
Guitar club will run today at lunchtime in the Music department.
Flute Group (Mrs Clark)
Flute Group will be on every Wednesday lunchtime in the Music Department.
Equality Group (Dr Murray)
The KHS Equality Group meets every Wednesday lunchtime in A4. Anyone who is interested in any aspect of equality is welcome whether it be age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. See Dr Murray for a pass. Bring you lunch!
S1 & Senior Netball (Miss Johnston)
S1 and senior netball will be on after school every Wednesday from 3:15-4:15pm.
Higher Music Study Support (Mr Wilkie)
This will run every Wednesday after school, 3:15-4:15pm.